552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

That’s exactly what I felt from the first tone

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That’s pretty much how I feel about my 222/300/250. The 222 sounds great, best streaming I’ve ever had, but the fully loaded Vertere DG1 just blows me away. Vinyl at its best should out perform digital in all the ways you describe.

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You’ve persuaded me to put Meddle on the LP12 myself now just to share the fun.


I don’t have Meddle on vinyl, I have 2 months to get it……

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Seems like you have lots of musical enjoyment ahead of you this weekend and for many coming, However, I reckon in 18 months or so @Dan_M will be looking for an S1 bargain and we will again be enjoying reading about someone on the next step of their Naim journey.


Day two…hows it sounding mate?

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I’m very pleased for you, Dan. Now buy yourself an LP of Jeff Buckley’s ‘Grace’ (ideally a US pressing, via Amazon USA or similar), as that will really show what the record’s producer Andy Wallace was able to capture in the studio for this amazing LP.

And will you be posting some photos of the new kit?


Just got back from work, time for some techno me thinks!


Look a few posts upthread, Graham. Dan did.

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Hi Dan,

When I saw that you had bought a 552DR, I knew you wouldn’t be disappointed. Similarly, I fully expected you would love the LP12 upgrades.

I bought a used 552DR a couple of years ago to replace my 1993 vintage 82 pre-amp. I’m still using it with my humble olive 250 and it sounds wonderful, but I am contemplating a power amp upgrade in the not too distant future.

Around 18 months ago, I also upgraded my LP12 by acquiring a Radikal 2, Keel for Aro, Karousel and a Lyra Kleos. It sounds sublime.

Given what you have gone through (and continue to go through) with your health issues, I’m delighted that you’re enjoying the upgrades and listening to music so much.

By the way, it sounds like you got some excellent service from the dealer who installed your 552DR and LP12 upgrades. If you don’t mind me asking, which dealer was this? If you prefer not to say, that’s fine - I am just curious given the level of service received.



Crikey @Dan_M… that’s some serious upgrading you’ve done! :joy:

I can imagine it’ll be hard to say, given how you’ve literally done everything in one go, but super keen to know what you thought to each LP12 upgrade when auditioning and which you found made the most difference to you. Realise this may be asking the impossible, mind you!

Enjoy the weekend ahead… What a system and what an achievement! :clap:t2:

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Hi Neil,

Congratulations on your 552DR and LP12 upgrades. I think you have done things right going for pre and LP12 upgrades first.

What power amp are you thinking of getting?

As for the dealer who installed. Yes, they did a great job. I am afraid I am not in a position to give out their details at this point in time.

You’re right - my apologies!

Very difficult to say as 5 upgrades done in one hit. No auditions. I just wanted my LP12 to be Klimax spec, fully maxed out. But…

I would imagine that the Klimax Radikal 2 makes the biggest difference.

I had an Ekos 2 and decent cart beforehand. And it sounded great.

The Radikal 2 has lowered the noise floor and the presentation is much clearer, deeper with more breadth.

The Keel has probably made 2nd biggest difference.

The tonearm, cart probably next up.

The Urika 1 just made sense for me utilising the Radikal 2.

I was just going to get a Radikal 1 and Keel. But, in the end, with good deals I went for the lot and bought the Kandid on ebay for a steal!

It’s done now. Finished. And sounds epic!


Warming up mate! Loving it!

I’m increasing the volume now whilst listening to the NDS, Kool London on internet radio. Killing it! Drum n Bass at it’s best!

No problem, Dan. On the power amp, I’m considering used options such as the 250DR or 300 DR. Alternatively, other options might be the new 250 or even the new NAP 350. I don’t think I’ll be going for the 500 due to the sheer size of it (limited room).

I’m in no rush though (saving up at the moment).


Haha brilliant!!! :joy:

I guess in many ways, it is pointless auditioning if you’re changing so much at once. It’s unlikely to be anything other than amazing, so good for you!

I know you’d changed a lot not long ago… so didn’t know if you tried each out before ‘going for it’ so-to-speak.

Mega, really pleased you’re living the dream… for all of us, too! Chuffed for you!

I’ll be following this thread to hear how it evolves over the coming days/weeks/months.

Enjoy, man!

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There’s quite a few on here with 552 DR with 250DR and 300DRs. The 350s have alot of power and come close to the 500DR on that front. And of course the 250NC may be an excellent option.

Coming from 135s which were underpowered slightly for me, the 500DR was the obvious choice.

It’s a buyers market with good deals to be had.

According to my installer the 500DR although lower watts is more powerful than the 350s! But a pair of 350s are gonna be amazing aren’t they?

But I got my 500DR for the price of one 350 :rofl:

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You have a great LP12 yourself. How are you getting on with it?

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