552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Switching over now to LP12. Michael McDonald Sweet Freedom.

Sounds so smooth, delicate melodies, vocals beautiful. He has the voice of an angel anyway!

The weekend is here and the music is playing.

System sounding awesome. When I put the LP12 it is like Wow straight away. Unbelievable!


@Neil-26 as Dan mentioned thereā€™s a few of us using the 250DR with 552DR me being one of them.
If your speakers arenā€™t demanding then the 250DR maybe all you need, also with used prices and a trade-in with your old 250 not too much to upgrade.

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Yes, as you say, some on the forum are using ā€˜humbleā€™ 250s with the 552DR. In fact, this contributed to my decision to get a 552 first.

When the time comes, Iā€™ll probably go and have a listen to the various options.

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As @HiFiman says a 250DR maybe all you need.

My speakers and my preferences mean I like playing music very loud.

If I didnā€™t play so damned loud a 250DR would compliment a 552DR perfectly well.

The 300DR is another option if you need a bit more oomph! It depends what you need and how you listen to music.


Yeah, itā€™s no slouchā€¦ but Iā€™d love to say I was in a place for some upgrades. Sadly, too much competing for funds!

Really would like a keel and urika (as I also want a trampolin)ā€¦ but going to have to wait a while. New puppy is keeping me far too distracted from listening time, tooā€¦ the little terror! :joy:

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I donā€™t see a 250 as a humble amp. I had 250CB and it was awesome! Then 2 x 135s. Again fantastic amps. And they both have plenty of volume and punch.

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Gonna stop reading this thread - makes me wonder (as if I could afford it!) what a 552DR would be like with my 300DR :stuck_out_tongue:

Have a great & musical weekend, Dan.

Try and get at least some sleep!

Well done, you :clap: :+1:t3: :raised_hands:


Well, perhaps not so humble - I agree the 250 is a great amp. Iā€™ve had my olive 250 since 1993 and itā€™s still going strong and sounds great with my 552. It does make me wonder though what a better power amp might bring.

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I think Keel and Urika with your set up would make a big impact. The Keel when it came out was one of the biggest upgrades. And you have the Radikal 1 and Karousel. And Urika 1 makes use of Radikal fully.

2 very good upgrades for you. Thereā€™s used Keels out there and some dealers have them. They may not be advertised.


You have a wonderful system Stevie.

Donā€™t change it unless you want to! It is great as it is. The 252DR is a superb pre as is your 300DR. Itā€™s all perfectly balanced.

I am not a good influence or example of staying put I am afraid to say :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Au contraire, Dan. You have been and remain a great example to us all. And Iā€™m in no way limiting that to your hifi. Kudos, man.

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I have no regrets whatsoever on the 500DR. Not for everyone though as itā€™s very heavy.

Thereā€™s alot of 250DRs out there for sale under Ā£2000. And if you wanted to seel your Olive 250 your looking at around Ā£1000 for that. Maybe thatā€™s what I would do first.

The thing is you have a 552DR and would benefir from a DR classic amp.

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Thanks Stevie. Much appreciated. Your an absolute gent.

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Yeah, totally the ones Iā€™m going for nextā€¦ once the funds allow, obviously. I do keep a look out every now and again just in case I see one for a bargain, but not seen anything ā€˜bargainā€™ just yet.

Glad you went for a musicworks block in the end too, btw. They are really good and make a noticeable difference.

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The Ekos SE/1 is it must be said a wonderful piece of engineering. Itā€™s more solid than Ekos 2 which was very lovely. Itā€™s also one of the only things that is a visual change of the LP12 itself, unless you look underneath and see the silver Trampolin of the Urika!

Buying used with most of this stuff can provide big savings. I have looked everywhere. When in a position to make the changes itā€™s worth dropping dealers an email. See how they can help out.

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Iā€™m so glad that you are delighted with your latest upgrades Dan. I was very confident that you would be after hearing virtually your spec deck through a 552 a week ago.

Spot on regarding the 500DR. At present only the S1 power amps are a better Naim power amp and going active with 500ā€™s runs the S1ā€™s close.


Always glad to hear about tweaks to your system. What did you do with the mains supply config?

2 weeks tomorrow I take it, and you will be in LP12 nirvana!

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Yes indeed

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I am very much looking forward to how your new LP12 Stiletto sounds in your system.

Tbh, I have found that my LP12 has absolutely demolished the NDS on an AB comparison.

Donā€™t get me wrong the NDS using ND5XS2 as streaming platform into 555PS is really awesome.

But my LP12 Klimax is unbelievably good with my amplification.

So I know the ND555 is better than my streamer. But I donā€™t believe it is an LP12 Klimax beater.

And if youā€™re saying the Stiletto and your other mods make it in between an LP12 Klimax and LP12 50 I will be fascinated to hear your findings versus the ND555. Also I appreciate you have the ee8 switch and Phoenixnet so your streaming section is very advanced.

Guys, I am not looking at any more upgrades now (famous last words) :rofl: