552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Actually I asked Peter S if the Tangerine version was a “half way house” between Klimax and LP50 and he said “yes that is about right”. I only heard the Klimax v Tangerine. I could happily live with your deck though and I’m not patronising.

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You might actually prefer Ekos to ARO. Many do. When we went from the former to the latter I had to kind of adapt to the calmer presentation. The Ekos gives you a firework type presentation for sure. But I have to say that I doubt that you’ll prefer your streamer to an ND555 with its two supplies Dan.


My deck is alot better than what I had planned! Got alot more upgrades than planned. But it has proven to be worthwhile. (Massive understatement!)

Obviously at some point I am interested in upgrading my streaming platform!

But I have done a hell of alot of upgrades. Am I am delighted with them.

The 500DR is a beast!


Did the ee8 and PhoenixNet make a big difference?

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Oh yes.

Of course I have heard the ND555 and it’s better than an NDS! And if I added an additional power supply better still.

I am tempted. :rofl:



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I don’t want to be in anyway responsible for your good self spending any more money :smiley:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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In fact I retract my visit offer :rofl:

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I was gonna buy a newer car. But thought, do I really need it? I only use at weekends and I like it.

So I thought what do I use everyday?


An ND555 would be used every day… :upside_down_face:


Somewhat like me then. I had a Macan EV on order but cancelled it and picked up a Tesla 3 a week ago at £40k less so I could active :joy:


Spot on Dan……what gives you the most enjoyment.


We are all nutcases ! :rofl:


I drive my van dsily and got it from new. My car is 10 years old and I still love it! I don’t want to change it tbh. It’s BMW 520D. I had a brand new 330D before that. Just don’t use it enough.

But my system…


I hear you man

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I bloody well hope so!

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Maybe I will sleep on ND555. There’s one out there. I got my Sopra 2s from him. Can do a deal. :thinking: :rofl:

I’ve got LP12 bits to sell off as well. And the phonostage and cart! My house is looking like a HiFi dealers at the moment

Remember it’s all good fun!


Well you’ve defo got a great amp to justify it Dan

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