552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Have a good sleep Dan……a lot of change. I luv my ND555, but it will fall of its perch and be much cheaper. Give it some play with the new kit.:heart:


I tried to calm him down Gaza. Maybe you’ll have more success :grinning:


Glad to hear it mate! i bet its sounding quite special by now!

Brilliant stuff

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i would look at two 555 for your nds before that…its a brilliant combo

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It’s all planned out anyway guys. But will curb it for a bit!

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This is why I still have 3 stacks Damien.

I thought I might add 555PS. I might add PhoenixNet switxh.

And who knows a CD transport.

At some point possibly.

I am not doing anything now! I was only kidding guys…


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Keep your Rad2 spinning for the next few days. It will bed in faster…

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I did an experiment a few weeks ago, i have a 555dr on digital and a 555 on analogue, i took the analogue one off to see if i could live without it, less than 5 seconds of music passed and it was a definite no way!haha i think going that route at some point makes sense, think about the horrible amount of money youd get for an nds these days

but as you say…dont do anything yet, your system is awesome mate


Best to leave everything alone. Let things sink in and enjoy the music and upgrades.

I have part exchanged the 52, Supercap 2, Kore and Ekos 2.

Still got gear to sell on. Get that done and buy some more vinyl sounds like best move to me.

2nd 555PS makes sense though bud.


mate the system you currently have, most of the uk doesnt even know you can get that quality!haha something to think about init

Last time i played my system to someone, they had tiers in their eyes!

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Hi Dan, I’m glad to hear you’re so happy with your new upgrades and I’m sure there is more to come… it must sound awesome already. I’m in a similar place with my turntable setup, the gap between vinyl and digital in my system is so wide now. Like you I still think my NDS is a top source and I often spend evenings listening to it exclusively. My future spend will likely be either be on my pre-amp (552?) or turntable, unlikely digital…

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Original lamp cord between 552 a 500 still?

XLR to Din? Yes

I’d recommend finding at least a used Morgana or SL there. You are holding back a lot with your current system and cables there now :blush:

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There’s Chord Suoer Array on auction at moment probably go for bargain price. I have Super Lumina interconnect on NDS.

You have such a great system now, just enjoy your whole music :+1: rest a second and then you can be proud. All the best for you, mate :blush:

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I had them for few weeks. They are good but I preferred Morgana. Maybe more different than one better than the other. I found Chord bit thinner sounding. Morgana have the groove. Think they would suite your taste of music better.

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And then there’s Super Lumina pair for £1500.


oh no!!!

Thinner sounding doesn’t sound like me!