552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

How are those “lamp cords” sounding right now Dan?

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I don’t know what difference the better ones make! It all sounds great at the moment. It’s standard what the kit comes with.

I’m doing it Nic. My LP12 Klimax spec is a beauty!

I know. I have them between Snaxo and my 500’s. Naim did a lot of testing of cables back in the day before settling for them. Not the most resolving but a damn good listen.

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My experience with cables is they make a difference and at the time it’s like oh yes! So much better. Then after a day or two your ears get used to it.

But then you take them away and it doesn’t sound right.

Powerlines are definitely worth it.

I have full powerline loom, Super Lumina IC, The Radikal 2 / Urika came with Linn silver interconnects.

I have been looking at XLR to din cables for 552DR to 500DR for a while now. I check everything out.

Have you changed your leads Damien?

Do you have standard ones Cohen?

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Yes Dan. I was using Chord Music when I had just the one 500 but I’ve had that re-terminated for the Kudos Sigao so I’m slumming it with the give away ones. They sound remarkably good and there are several well know dealers out there that prefer them to SL. I’m seriously considering sticking with it when I have to go RCA to XLR with the new crossover

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The reason i said oh no! is because i have super lumina up until speaker cables, everything is powerline and superlumina.

I really think superlumina is a bit special…and you already have the interconnect


Time to rest up on cables and any upgrades for a while. Unless I can get a great deal on something, it’s time to park it!

I got great deal on Super Lumina and my Musicworks G3 power block. With cables it’s waiting for a deal to come up that says yes, as far as I am concerned.

They are a ‘nice to have’

This is just my opinion but through listening I feel that the basic Naim cables work well with the high end gear which doesn’t exacerbate or compound the negative characteristics. Also I wouldn’t use all basic/Lavender. The blend of something full and warm like Chord Music with them also seems to create a good synergy.

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i completely agree, with mine i bought them at a good price by bidding

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I love your resolve Dan :flushed::joy:

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Brilliant David. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Could you elaborate what you mean bit more? :blush: negative characteristics of what?

It’s only been 24 hours, and already talking about more upgrades :laughing:
You certainly aren’t going to get a naim dac to even get close to your turntable so don’t even bother to even think about that one if i was you.
Time to just sit back and actually listen to some music and just enjoy it.
Probably take some time away from the forum and just try to understand your new sound as right now it’s very different and moving forward with any off it right now is probably not a good idea, as i guess right now it’s so new, that knowing in what direction that would be is just going to be a shot in the dark.
Plus really even thinking about upgrades after this massive upgrade, would certainly make me think, O, what have i done, spent all this money and it’s still not what i want ? as any upgrades right now shouldn’t even be in your mind, as you should be blown away with the much inpoved sound from your NDS with the 552dr over the 52 ? And the LP12 should be even more.
I am sure it is Dan, so just enjoy it.


Interesting, I don’t think I’ve read many comparisons between the ND555 and a LP12 Klimak spec. I’ll be upgrading my LP12 to a Seleck soon, so it will be interesting how that will compare to my ND555. I find with vinyl, the 70/80’s analogue is hard to beat, even with a mid range record player.


I would really slow down a bit, because there will be never an end.
If you go now for Nd555 with 2 x 555 dr, Innuos PhoenixNet, then you will think maybe improve the speakers, which may not do justice of the full system. Then will be Kudos 808, then active Sigao crossover, then 2 more 500 dr , then S1, then Magico M2, then Nap S1……
As said Dunc, enjoy what you have now, you made 2 very big steps in one time.
Slow down Dan. If not you will never be fully satisfied .


Ever think to change your Sopra to the Utopia line like Focal Scala? Might be a surprise.

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Good post Rooster. But don’t you think Dan has been very shrewd with his purchases? It seems so to me. Let him dream I say. If that means putting pen to these other upgrades options so be it. The guy has gone through a lot.


It’s a good upgrade plan. I like it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: