552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

The streaming section of my system with NDS is very very good. I am very happy with it.

The LP12 is on another level again.

The amps are fantastic and so are the speakers.

It’s a great system. And it needs to bed in, burn in and warm up. I know all of that. I have been here before remember! I am a big boy and can handle it all.

Damien is going for the Scala Utopia Evos I believe! I’m happy with what I have!


Firstly my opinion is no more worthy than yours Blackbird. I “fell on” the basic cable one when I had to send a Chord Music Interconnect to have a connection fault dealt with. I have a few Lavender/ Basic cables spare so fitted it between ND555 and S1. It sounded great. When I then took out another Music and fitted basic it was a step too far. The cheap Naim cables can compress a little when things get complex and the top end is a little ragged but with full bodied cables around them the speed and integration is so good. I’m more of an emotional than analytical type of listener and the basic Naim cables provide much to like. All just my opinion.


If you are driving past my house on your way to Harrogate keep driving. Crazy guy :wink: :grinning:

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I think in life you have to do whatever makes you happy. I am sure alot on here don’t approve of what I have just done. Or if I bought an ND555 today and an extra 555PS it would be a step too far. Or if I made these choices in 6 months maybe it would be okay!

Some will say I should have stayed put with 52 and 135s and left the LP12 as it was.

I have set myself the 552 and LP12 upgrades and am very happy with them.

I don’t think the speakers are lacking at all. I don’t feel the need to go active or get an S1.

The NDS which I have had for about 5 years was only brought up to date with an ND5XS2 to make it useable for me late last year. The fact is the LP12 now really shines. I need to adjust to the changes.

So streaming improvements are a consideration. I am interested in others thoughts on the switches, extra PS and ND555.

I think what you need to remember as well is my context. 6 months ago I was given upto 2 years to live. Now they aren’t saying alot different to that. Time isn’t necessarily on my side.

I don’t spend money on my car or house. I can’t go abroad as I won’t get travel insurance. I can’t travel too far as I am in and out of the hospital every week. The chemo has been brutal.

I have bought everything carefully with these upgrades and got great prices.

However, I also appreciate that you may have genuine concerns about upgrades and what is right for me. I do appreciate this and yes I do need to keep things in perspective. So advice happily taken and give things time.

So thank you for your concern and support. I do appreciate it all!

But I want to know about your thoughts on improving NDS. That might be experiences with other equipment other than Naim, switches or servers.




Bloody well said Dan :+1:


The Phoenex is very smooth Dan. I like it with an EE8 before it. Some prefer it on its own and some don’t like it. Another subjective job. Good if you could try before you buy IMO


EE8 and Farad 3 powering it. Good stuff.


I don’t disagree with what you say here :slight_smile: It’s a lot to do with ones preferences, system synergy and balance and all such. And the original cables are good indeed on what they do but as you say they do compress and do not have the bandwidth higher end cables have. I would put myself in the emotional listener camp that don’t want to listen to how well a snare drum sounds and instead focus on the song. But when you have the realism going which good cables can contribute with I can find myself listening to a snare drum for 4 minutes and really enjoy it too :smile: Maybe it’s the former musician in me that miss how the instruments sound in real when you are 3 feet away from them. I still remember my tube Ampeg 8x10" rig I had. Wow… could play the E-string for an hour and have goose bumps all over. Or the Matchless guitar amp on LOUD.


If only you lived closer! Mind you I could fire up the camper van, sleep on your drive and connect my DAVE to your amazing setup :grin:

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What’s your network set up Dan? I found adding a Farad 3 PS to the EE8 switch feeding my ND555 made a large improvement - it’s relatively cheap, so good value.


I’m using all Blue Jeans Cables. ND5XS2, NDS and Zoneripper NAS all on wired network. Have Netgear GS108 switch into BT router.

Apart from smoothness what improvements are we looking at? Are they subtle or big ?

It sounds like a very good upgrade if it yielded a large improvement.

Interesting stuff!

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It’s defo worthy Dan IMO. It made my Streamimg/CD rips sound more analogue like. Less processed and more organic sound. More Chord Music than Naim Lavender if you like. Maybe that’s why not everyone (Darkbear comes to mind) likes it’s flavour. I believe there’s a forum thread on the topic. I also agree with Mike regarding the Farad 3 feeding the EE8 as opposed to the stock SMPS. Again not everyone feels the same.


Ah a bas player. Everyone in my family is a musician except for me😅


I’m a multi player having played drums, bass guitar, acoustic/electric guitar, make my own songs, singing, recording albums in studio etc :smile:. I’m on a few albums on Spotify too :man_dancing: No techno though. Sorry Dan.


Link please

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One part of myself posted above about slow down.
The second part of myself tells me that you need to complete your 500 series system. So I would go for a second 555 dr and Nd555, with a PhoenixNet.
A last cable you need, don’t remember which part ( some posts above) and you will be done.
Am I contradicting myself ? Yes. I confess. :joy:


Thanks @frenchrooster. And these things have a dynamic of polarity. Part of me says ND555 and extra PS. Another part says Nooooo!

I think the switches could be a way forward and see what they do.

Working today, so getting some perspective on the upgrades.

Looking forward to getting home and listening to it all!

I am giving the Radikal 2 a work out while I am not there!

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