552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Hi Dan, i use the Phoenixnet with an Uptone Etheregen just in front, similar to @Cohen1263 …….and yes everything sounds more natural, unforced.


An extra ( pre owned) 555psu is unlikely to be wasted. Particularly if you end up with the ND555.
Ive recently changed out my xpsdr for a 555dr, and am surprised at the improvements. But, it always ( as naim design it) opens up the obvious next move.

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Hi Dan
Remember the motor doesn’t need left on all the time like the old one and just running it for sessions is fine.
The Urika doesn’t get any power or come alive work or signalwise until the deck button is in operation.
So while your deck isn’t spinning the Urika is sleeping.
I just start the deck half a hour or so before and leave it running until session done.
I swap vinyl on the fly so don’t keep stopping and starting all the time.
:wink: :+1:t2:


It’s just because the Radikal 2 is brand new so I’m running it in.

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Mines on 24/7 :scream:
Just not always spinning.

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Hi Neil,

I spoke to the dealer and they are okay with giving out the details:

Darren Green installed the LP12 upgrades and the 552DR.

Darren is from DNA audio. He was quick to respond to my emails, had all the kit I wanted. Installation went smoothly and very happy with the service.

What particularly impressed was attention to detail, wearing gloves when handling the units, adjusting the Fraim. The LP12 was adjusted continually particularly the suspension.

We discussed racking order and positioning of the LP12 and the 552DR.


Darren was willing to do part exchanges as well, which helped. Costs were reasonable too.

So all in all big thumbs up to DNA Audiio.


Thanks for letting me know, Dan. DNA Audio aren’t too far from me and, although I’ve never used them, I did exchange an email with Darren some time ago regarding a possible repair to an old piece of equipment and he was very responsive (in the end I didn’t go ahead with the repair). He certainly travelled a long distance to install your new equipment. Sounds like excellent service.

Hope you continue to enjoy your new gear and music over the weekend.

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I can’t fault Darren. He had quite a few Radikal 1 and 2s and 2 552DRs. Effectively he had everything I was after. And he was prepared to travel 600 miles to install everything.

With my health, it took away any potential stress that a large transaction could cause.

So I am well happy with everything!


Darren supplied me with an almost mint CDS1/CDPS and was extremely helpful. I would need to bring a 552DR back home as hand luggage so that would be a non-starter. I must slum it with a 52 and 135s :innocent: but my experience with a 552 DR previously says it would be diminishing returns in my very lively room.


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You are clearly not slumming it with a 52 and 135s. They are fantastic, gorgeous amps.

The 552DR is a great amp. With my system it was the right choice. But value for money and sheer beauty and quality the 52 has it.

If you are sticking with 135s I would keep the 52. There is no need to go further.

I had the CDS2 with XPS and then again another CDS2 with XPS2. Both gorgeous CD players. Also had a CDS3 with XPS2. I love Naim CD players. I found the CDS2 was like listening to a valhalla non Cirkus LP12. Very analogue, warm and velvety sounding.

Enjoy the music!

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Listening to vinyl on LP12 since I got home from work. Wow! The Wall sounds amazing. Production is very high quality so the LP12 really makes the most of it.

And yes I am taking it easy. Only worked 3 days this week and shorter days!

Sending out all my love to you guys. Thanks for your support and discussions about my upgrades! I really appreciate it :heart_eyes:


You do what you want to do, you have no one to answer to other than yourself.

That is one flipping awesome set up, go and enjoy the music, just try not to blow the roof off.

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Blowing the roof off is @Dan_M signature move!hahahaha

Such an epic system. now you are a few days in, what differences have you noticed from cold mate?

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So Dan , how are the upgrades? Any good ?…….

Just kidding. Sounds like you are enjoying them! :+1::sunglasses:

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Great, I think I’ll use this as a test when my LP12 is upgraded. I remember Hey You sounding particularly good on my current set-up. The whole album has a great dynamic range.

Hi Dan,
IMV all 4 quoted statements you made above are the truth!
Ive owned NDS with single 555PS and upgraded to ND555 and 2x555PS. That was undoubtedly a good upgrade, but for me, not really a transformation in my level of enjoyment or involvement in digital music. The upgrade it brought was not of the same character as was the move from LP12 selekt level to Klimax level turntable.
Your final statement above is spot on IMV. ND555 with 2PS gets very little playing time here.
Spend your cash on Vinyl if you must spend it!
Enjoy the deck upgrades!


Agree totally.
My NSC222 with NPX300 is pretty decent (250 NC) but put an LP on via the Vertere DG1/phono-1/redline interconnects/challenger PS/ Redline power cable and iso paws isolators and it’s just incomparably better, and that’s even with a relatively lowly AT540ML. I’ve concentrated on maxing out the TT as my primary source for serious listening and will upgrade to a dark sabre cartridge when £ is available. To significantly boost the streamer would mean a 332/333 and that not an option. So LPs it is….

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Bugger, I’ve just locked in a Selekt level upgrade…. Still, Klimak is well beyond my budget, and size of my record collection (around 320). I’ll be slumming a ND555 with a single PS and a Seleck level LP12 it seems :smile::smile:


What is it with you English people and LP12, you can almost think it’s some kind of religious worship :sunglasses: