552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

A Kult.


Yes, to say the least :grin:

Klimax level will be your next upgrade in a few years Mike :crazy_face::crazy_face:

It never stops

I see there is now talk about an Uptopik PS perhaps for the LP12

Where does leave us poor sods with the Radikal PS

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Please bear in mind that the LP12 is, and always has been, built in Scotland, not England!

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From girrrrders :laughing:

Sure, but still UK, so :grin:

You should purchase one Bjorn and find out :crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning::grinning:

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Maybe so :sweat_smile:

So you won’t mind if I call you “my Danish chum” then?

No, stevie, that’s Irn Bru!

It’s the vinyl equivalent of Naim, except Naim is English and Linn is Scottish, long live the Union!


Not quite the same thing, is it?:thinking:

It can stop though. I’ve very intentionally built my system up to end-game pre-retirement and will be sitting back and enjoying it. Spare money can go into travel whilst we’re of a good age to enjoy that.

It’s exactly the same.

Scotland and England are two separate counties in the United Kingdom, just as Sweden and Denmark are two separate countries in Scandanavia.

Yep 100% with you Mike

If I decide to live in one place in a few years time I’ll be making decisions around what gear disappears

No desire to go higher up the ladder gear wise / been there done that

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Except that Denmark and Sweden are not part of a union and don’t have a common language then…:wink:

Both are members of a pretty big union called the EU!

I’ll bow out here, as we’re dancing on the head of a pin.

Ha ha good one Graham never heard that one before :+1:

You do what you want Graham, I think most people understand that my post was of a joking nature and nothing else…:innocent:

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BMW m235i here - 10 years old … why change … its wonderful :grinning:

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