552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I don’t give a monkey’s…

Been drinking the Kool-Aid.

But that already starts with a K.

Made by Kraft Inc. :thinking:

It’s a konspiracy!

The 552DR is warmed up I reckon…the LP12 Radikal 2 Kllimax and Urika 1 are new.so burning in.

The LP12 sound even better, sounds more fluid,organoc and a tad smoother. As a source it is incredible. Better than what I had hoped for.

It’s all operating as one system very much now. The 552DR and 500DR gel.it sounds reslly good playing quietly…but when you starr turning it up a bit ithe depth and breadth of sound is awesome. The system has everything I need, especially LP12 as the source.

It’s early days and my ears are adjuating to it all.


Sorry I’ve only just found this thread, congrats on your upgrade. Take care. :+1:


Ah, the road to Perdition…

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…but bits have been designed in England G…and not far from you :grin:

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They’re on an island Björn!

Have had Rega all models up to RP8. Vertere DG1. VPI and LP12. And the only table I’m still thinking of buying again is. LP12.


Here we go (again) :smile::smile:


Hurdy Gurdy :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::grinning:

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The good news Mike is that Selekt level is plenty enough to beat your streamer for engagement and should enable you to suspend your disbelief that what you’re hearing is a real musical event. Enjoy!


I can relate to that with my 252, its good at low volume with my 300dr but its like the volume control is a realness control!haha


Yes, I remembered that you had a VPI, however, I did not know that you had also tried an LP12. Don’t you have anything today then?

Currently all digital. Have all my vinyl records left though.


Nah, the question seems to be far too sensitive to joke about, surely there is nothing more boring than a joke that turns into seriousness.

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Because you haven’t heard Goldnote😉

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You have a beautiful turntable. Would love to hear it :slight_smile:

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It’s fabulous (speaking from my experience). The 300DR doesn’t hold back the 552 - there’s plenty of detail, and the music flows beautifully.

That said, I am keeping my eye out for a reasonably priced NAP 500 DR, just in case…


I don’t know what you consider is “a reasonably priced NAP500”, Jono, but James Allney’s TomTom Audio in St Albans is showing one (from 2000) at £10,999.

James is a great chap, and has helped me with a couple of hard-to-find Naim things. (I think that he routinely has equipment serviced by Naim before going on his site, but you’d need to check.)

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Hello again :slight_smile:

Tom Tom don’t routinely service used equipment that they sell. If they know when an item was last serviced they do list that in the details. What they say they do is inspect items before sale. As a long standing Naim dealer I assume this is more than casting their eyes over it, though they don’t say what it involves. But they don’t routinely service kit before selling it.

Almost all my Naim gear, cables etc. are from Tom Tom, happy with them as a dealer.

Hi @Dan_M
You also placed streamer on top of 500. recognized that 500 gets warm - warmer than my previous amps. Hope it is fine with warm underneath nds/nd555.
A lot of pictures in the forum show similar setup :blush:

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