552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I’ve got an ifi 2 power supply to use as an interim. Should be an improvement on standard power supply. Have you tried a 2nd PS on your ND555?

So it’s Farad Super 3 5v with 2.1mm cable at power supply. Is that right?


Correct :+1:


Does anyone bother with fuse and cable upgrades or just get standard?

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Both fuse and cable upgrade here. I liked the level2 copper more than silver but I’d say it’s system dependend. I found the silver one sounded bit tighter and bit thinner than level2 copper. Not sure if the fuse did anything. Difficult to evaluate. Piece of mind I guess for us nervous HIFI maniacs :smile:

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Dan, please… let the stuff settle in … :blush:
I preferred PN over Farrad.

I tried many twin power supplies back in the day.
But i wasn’t at full 500 spec back then, plus a non dr’ed 552, and different speakers. So very different really and probably not resolving enough to hear it maybe?
That’s why I said i hope you find it beneficial.

My system hasn’t changed for over a year now, first for me for a long time, but i can’t see an point in changing anything

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That you have to do Dan


I didn’t

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He will do both :smile:

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I think Dan is having fun with us. He probably decided some time ago that he’d end up with ND555 with 2 x 555PS :grin:


Farad Super 3 with L2Copper ordered. Job done!


Maybe baby! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Why Drago?

Got same cable as you but didn’t bother with fuse!

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So what’s left? PhoenixNet? ND555? S1?

2 more 500DRs? New speakers? :muscle:

Is that all? :joy:

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That’s how it sounds best eh?

If you want to try a phoenixnet for a month than you can borrow mine, but you would need to pick it up before Friday

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