552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Not today and maybe not tomorrow but you sure as hell are going to do it Dan.


You know I canā€™t tell you that.


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I am a bit picky. I wanted a 555PSDR in 500 finish. A guy dropped the price today by Ā£500 on one so I snapped it up. And heā€™s delivering to my door.

As for ND555 they are still quite pricey. There are deals. I am quite savvy and wait out the deal or negotiate.

Itā€™s a buyers market so I am making use of it.


It is a buyers market for sure. Iā€™ve pitched my Superline for sale at half retail and it hasnā€™t gone yet ( I wonā€™t say where or the post will be taken down)


I got mine new (unopened box) for 40% off retail.




Thatā€™s all the dealers margin wiped out Mike :thinking:


It has to be priced right. Sometimes higher priced items wonā€™t shift. My Lingo 1 sold within 30 mins. Hiline on same day. I have other stuff for sale. Sometimes it takes months to sell it. I wouldnā€™t budge too much as someone will buy it at price that is right for you.

These things can take time. Took me 4 months to sell my Dadā€™s Minimoog.

I reckon my Tom Evans phonostage will take time too. Boxed and ready to go out the door.


Listening to Paul Simon The Ultimate Collection. I am no Paul Simon fan tbh. But it really flows on the LP12. Music sounds effortless, it flows, itā€™s totally organic. It immerses me into the music. And makes listening compulsory. And the bass on the LP12 is so good. Instruments clear and vivid. Everything is clear and flows. Beautiful melodies. I would think that this LP12 is quite hard to beat!

I am sure the LP50 and Cohenā€™s special Aro Stiletto will sound better still. There is always better. Always. But knowing what you have is awesome is a special feeling!

For me this is magical and is good enough for my system and needs!


I could live happily with your deck Dan. Great piece of kit. I wouldnā€™t want to swap my ND555 for an NDS though.


Next streaming session if you have Qobuz try K J West Oneā€™s playlist. A good mix of top music. All with superb sound quality

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Sometimes we win the hifi lottery! Ā£6000 for 500DR 2000 unit with new head unit 2016 DR. All serviced, included powerline. You couldnā€™t make it up. These deals have now gone.

So paid Ā£11k for 2017 552DR. Very happy with it.

Best price at moment for used ND555 is Ā£10500.

I would sell or part exchange my ND5XS2 and NDS. Reckon ND5XS2 is strangely worth more!

NDS has come down so much in price now.

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With the 555PS?

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Without mate.

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555PS for nice one Ā£4500 to Ā£5000. Paid Ā£4250 for mine today in 500 finish. Was Ā£4750.

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Iā€™ve swapped over LP12 to NDS listening to it.

Loving Ta Confiance. Very cool and sounds awesome!

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Well, i read that a second 555ps on an NDS or ND555 was a really good upgrade but when i thought about it it made no sense cos half of each psu isnt being used, a bit like a supercap on a 282.

Iv always ran a none dr 555 on my nds but a dr one came up at a really good price so i bought it. im using the dr on the digital side. even from cold it was brilliant but i couldnt live without it nowā€¦es extreme as that sounds. i did take the none dr off a few weeks ago to see what the difference was and its hugeeeeeeeeee.

Hows your 552 looking @Dan_M? are you enjoying it


have you bought one?hahahahaha you are not messing about mate

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