552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Fantastic about LP12. Bet you can’t wait :heart_eyes:

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So how do i get my hands on this cable then

Thanks for sharing that Dan. Now I know why you took such an interest in my new floor :grinning:.

Yes I get all that you wrote. You won’t be alone in finding music your “constant” within the forum community I’m sure. As I wrote in a previous post sitting listening to music alone for hours doesn’t happen by chance does it :thinking:

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Yes I think because I’ve gone such a long time without being able to play my vinyl I’m especially excited about this purchase. If it sounds s…t then I will be guttered :wink: :rofl:

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Your sub floor is great. It was a very well thought out worthwhile project. And now you are reaping the rewards.

My system is in a great place. Before adding more switches and cables, next move has to be ND555.

Otherwise I will spend more on other gear which I could put towards the ND555.

The EE8 and Farad 3 and Vodka are smart moves. But will leave the Phoenixnet and Chord music cable until later on. Priorities!

And of course I may have liver resection op coming up. Find out on 4th June what they are doing next.

It will sound incredible! I am confident of that.

LP12s are very very popular for a reason. Whatever the spec, system dependent they sound so right.

I have loved mine for a fair few years. Even when I first got it, with shot bearings on tonearm and valhalla, it sounded good. Something about it. And with a raft of upgrades over time it has got better and better. Now I am at a pinnacle of LP12 ownership.

Bettered by a few only, you have great cart on your LP12 by the way! Very very nice!

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Listening to streaming. The EE8 has made NDS sound more alive. More forward. More fluid.

Maybe a touch in your face! Definitely more 3 dimensional. Sounds awesome!


With farad 3 Dan?

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It’s coincidentally very close to the spec that Peter S uses at home. I bought using my ears though. Needing a new deck meant the Tangerine kit didn’t waste money. I bought a new LP12 but Peter gave me a very good rebate on the plinth etc.

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Farad arrives Monday, using ifi 2 power supply temporarily. It sounds absolutely awesome though. Really 3D. Stronger bass, like a different set up.

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Fluid, organic, wider soundstage. Massive uplift. Really surprised. Taken a bit of time to come on song. But awesome!


Well it was always going to be the case. Farad 3 great also. Music streaming cable the same and tops it all off.


It’s gonna be a very special day for you the 10th. It will be 10/10 :100: :muscle:

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For sure. There will always be the odd guy who states that the SMPS sounds better, just like the chap who prefers an 82 pre to a 552. But I feel confident that you will like the Farad. It just does something to negate some of the digital processed like presentation. The Phoenix net does the same and the Music cable likewise. My system is now soooo revealing and my Streaming set up doesn’t sound like a weak link.


The streaming has improved alot already. It was starting to feel like a weak link! With LP12 sounding so good I thought this sounds like crap!

Will see what Farad and extra 555PS brings and take it from there.

I am sure it will bring further gains.

Let the 10th come soon for you! How excited are you?

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And not talking about 2 PhoenixNet in cascade mode, connected by 3 Chord Music between them and router and Nd555, with 2X Chord Music power cord.


I must say listening to NDS with audioquest Vodka and EE8 is utterly addictive! It sounds awesome! How can a tiny switch and cable make such a difference?

I want to dance to the music. It sounds so damned good. I listened, took advice and I thank you.

Not sure @Drago is having good results with 2nd 555PS! Sounds like a clusterf##@


More to come with Farad3 :+1:


Correct Rooster. I wasn’t “ talking about” all that :joy:. One Phoenex enough and I use Powerlines on my switches :+1:

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Just to say the madness can never stop, even for you at your level :grin:

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