552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Well it depends on whether we perceive it as “madness” Rooster. I’m enjoying my music more than ever now, dont regret buying what I’ve bought and deciding to buy a cheaper car than I intended to go active was well worth it IMO. The thing that I’ve found with Naim is that the higher up the range we go the better the music sounds. With Audio Note I found that not to be the case.

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Well, if its madness…….i can live with that version❤️


For most people, a 20k audio system is already madness.
The term madness is often cited here . I like it. And I like my madness.


Agreed once again. If I wasn’t financially secure I would consider the money that I’ve spent on hifi as “madness”. My parents both died relatively young and we can’t take our money with us to the afterlife. I also appreciate what I own very much and how fortunate I am and love music so if I dare say it’s not wasted on me.


and what Dan has bought is absolutely NOT wasted on him


Totally with you on that.


If I bought all my kit new £130k. I reckon I have spent half that tbf and then there’s servicing and upgrades and reselling kit on where you loose money. Expensibe hobby. But people spend alot more than me on this stuff.

And you know what it’s less than depreciation on a new car. If I need to sell it at a loss it’s still money.


But to me my system, my music has been a lifeline.


You can’t put a price on that.

Go and enjoy.

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And another thing. If I wasn’t a Naimaholic, I wouldn’t have made mates like I have on here. This forum has truly been a wonderful support in a time of chaos, delusion, ill health and solace.


One of the things I regret today having what I have is I didnt spend this money on this equipment loooong time ago.



Mine is;
Gigaclear Fibre Router —> Unknown Ethernet Cable —> Mesh Node —> Chord Clearway Streaming Cable —> Netgear GS105 Switch —> Chord Clearway Streaming Cable —> Chord EE8 Switch —> Chord Clearway Streaming Cable (soon to be changed to Chord Epic Streaming Cable) —> Chord EE1 Network Noise Isolator —> Chord Epic Streaming Cable (soon to be changed to Chord Signature Streaming Cable) —> Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub


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Thanks DG,

I have now connected Zoneripping NAS and NDS to EE8 switch as well as streaming platform.

Whilst making the connections the EE8 seemed to go into limp mode. So turned off at mains for 2 mins once all connections made and checked. Fired it back up and all good!

You have similar network set up to me in that we are both using Netgear switch and then piggybacking off of that into EE8 switch.

What did EE1 isolator do? Is it worth it?

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Incidentally, I never wanted to go down network switch route. Had massive problems with cisco switch and in the end I ditched it. My NDS was all over the place. Once I got ND5XS2 and got rid of Cisco all my problems were over.

Now I am getting back into the ring with the Netgear and 2nd switch EE8. But the results are now quite astonishing!

2nd time around for this caper!

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I was told to put the better switch (EE8) as the final switch before the DSM along with the better of the streaming cables (Epic) being the final cable.

The EE1 wasn’t a significant improvement, but a subtle one and for £250, I thought was worth a punt.

I must admit that I really like Chord products and as well the above my mains cable is a Chord SignatureX power cable.


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Can you tell me how to find this playlist Cohen1263? I have Qobuz, tried typing
K J West One in the search feature and nothing came up.:man_shrugging:

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Go to playlists. Should be there.

Is there a genre, or artist, sub folder or something?

I think my mind is pretty much set. I have done quite a few network upgrades with EE8 switch, Farad Super 3 and Audioquest Vodka cable.

Additional 555PSDR. I am not going to tinker with cables and more switches right now.

As it all takes funds away from upgrading source, which is ultimately more important.

Will let things settle down as system is superb and I have done so much work on it.

Next step will be an ND555.

Then as necessary I can tinker with switches and cables. It does make a difference no doubt. It’s a world I am unaccustomed to though.

Into the rabbit hole again!