552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Seriously good mixture of tracks all with great sound quality


Just go into playlists it’s there mate.

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He needs to type it in as per photo Dan

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Found it immediately in playlists.

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That’s because you’re special. Mere mortals like the rest of us need to type it in as per photo

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Peter S has put the turntable install date back two days . 14 days and counting

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Fiddler on the roof is fiddling with his 555PSs. Sent him a pic on other thread. Lol.

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Really! Ask for compensation. ÂŁ400 a day for loss of LP12! :smiley:

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Come on Peter! Sort out your customers! :muscle:

Maybe another one of those cables for free. ÂŁ4200.

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Well it’s a family matter so fair play. I have to say that so far Ive been very impressed with Cymbiosis. Top service. Discount isn’t everything :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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If I see one going at a good price I will let you know

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Led Zeppelin 1 sounds great on LP12. Pantera Cowboys from Hell a bit weaker. Shows the quality of the music production up more.

Yes Led Zep 1 is rough round edges but has full dynamic range.

I guess I am not even a mere mortal because nothing comes up for me.:grin: Tried Kj West One in that little magnifying glass and nothing. Is there a chance we don’t get the same content here in Canada?

Fair enough. And Cymbiosis are a good firm. I have purchased from most of the dealers now. Bought CDS2 and XPS from them a while ago. Spot on. 1st of 3 CDSs.

I tried the Farad Super 3 LPS with my EE8 for a while. I then put the stock SMPS back on and preferred the sound of that.

I note the members who have the EE8, some prefer the Farad and some prefer the stock SMPS.

It must boil down to the synergy of the other components, cables and environment that we use, each system being unique.

In the end, nothing is wrong, just better suited for our system.

Funny old hobby this of ours.


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Exactly, I will see what it does. It seems that cabling affects things quite a bit. I have mainly Blue Jeans Cables. Last leg Vodka from EE8 to streaming transport ND5XS2.

Very similar set up to you though.

Big improvement so far.


Hi @Dan_M you owe it to yourself to try the Neotech Neet 1008. Regardless of price that is one mean cable. So don’t dismiss it because it’s cheap. I have a nagging feeling it might be as good or better than the Music. It’s like their power cord “the Amazon” which betters power cords at up to 20 times the price. It’s not my first hand experience but so I’ve been told by a hi-fi aficionado I very much trust. We have roughly the same priorities and preferences in what kind of sound we are after. Well anyway if you have the opportunity you should give it a go. It does need a lot of burn in so make sure it is indeed burnt in if you get an opportunity to test it. And please report back your findings.

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Merry Christmas…again!haha @Dan_M

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If the tremendous improvements you’re claiming to have realized are true, this just reinforces one of the aspects I can’t stand with Naim. To get the best sound from a product that already costs $23k, I now need to buy two separate power supplies at a cost of $27k ……only so I can use HALF of each power supply. So once again, the customer is paying for a bunch of components they can’t even use. There is a better way of doing things where a customer won’t feel like they’re paying for things they can’t use.