552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I dont think it’s about components or raw materials, no business works like that. However, if you do own an nd555/nds then adding another psu will take it to another level if you so wish


Better put this on my thread as well!


Out of the box it sounds very different with 2nd 555PS. More three dimensional. Wider soundstage.

System is rocking! Obviously gonna take some time to bed in.


Less processed sounding Dan? I haven’t owned the NDS by the way

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Dan, I’m confused by your power supplies. I should see four Naim supplies, but only see three. Is the box on the left with the green light involved? That would mean the NDS was powered by a Naim and a non Naim supply.

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I think if you look at my profile it will make sense.

The power supply delivered today is Naim.

It sounds alot more open and wider. The music is more expansive.

Obviously we cannot discuss the other power supply, but which input on the NDS is powered by the Naim PS? Once you have got used to it, it might be interesting to swap them over and see if you can hear a difference.

Additionally it might be interesting to see if using both outputs of the CD555PSDR alone sounds better than using it with the unmentionable.


Situations like this i always feel its much better to borrow than buy to start off with.
As once you have paid for it you are certainly going to hear differences.

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The Naim 555PSDR socket 1.

Will let it all run in, but initial impressions are very very good.

That’s not possible with used kit from private sellers. If you borrow from dealer and then send it back and buy elsewhere used they won’t wear it!

I have borrowed lots off kit over the years and probably only bought 5% off it.
Good hifi dealer know the score plus many deal with secondhand kit anyway.
The only real excuse for having to buy before you try is if no dealer’s near by or the kit is made to order.

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I did ask my local hifi dealer in the past and was told I could borrow at cost! I didn’t ask again.

If the 2nd PS doesn’t work out I can always sell the non Naim one.

But somehow, from initial impressions it’s sounding alot better!

As Clive says once things are warmed up do some experimenting!

I discussed this with another dealer and they said they wouldn’t be happy if they did a demo with a customer and they bought elsewhere.

I guess you need to find the right hifi dealer.
But at the same time they also need to know the current prices and be realistic with prices or they will get sidelined.
It’s all business at the end off the day.
I guess they wouldn’t be happy, but then i also wouldn’t be happy paying over the top prices.
I guess knowing them, and starting off on the right foot as in what you are expecting helps to stop these situations from happening.

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Tried it with naim PS only? I never liked other brands and their PS on naim. Naim has the groove.

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I think dealers are more likely to let you do a home dem once you are an established customer with them. Borrowing a product, returning it and buying it elsewhere is bound to upset them. Which in turn will make it less likely they will let you demo kit at home which to my mind is very understandable.

Doing a home demo and not liking the item and later buying something different is a very different matter and a dealer would accept this much more readily.

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I’m running the new Naim PS in at the moment. I think it’s too early to start fiddling around. It wouldn’t be a true reflection of the new PS.

How long do you think it will take to run in. It’s used but hasn’t been powered up for a few weeks by the sounds of it.

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I’ve bought from lots of different places rather than one local dealer.

Various dealers in different parts of the country and ebay of course.

It depends who has got what. When buying used this is how I have had to do it. Local dealer doesn’t really sell used gear.

If buying new it’s different scenario.

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Always a difficult one, borrowing stuff from a dealer only to buy it secondhand elsewhere. I buy most stuff secondhand, so you have to be certain that it will work. If not, then sell it at a small loss.
I bought my 555psu used at a good price. There was no way I could have afforded or justified it new. But it has gone onto a small list of items that have made a significant positive difference to my setup. Rb3000 arm, isoacoustic things under speakers, morganna interconnects…

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