552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

The route I have chosen has worked out well for me and saved alot of money. Research and some listening at dealers has meant I have managed to get my system at fraction of new prices. I was pretty certain about LP12 upgrades as I have listened to LP12 Klimax on 500 system many times for instance.

But when I bought 52, which I loved, had to just take a punt.

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Cool - live to hear that - no bad omen from my experience :grinning:
My initial impression was totally different…
Brighter - wider soundstage (left - right) but less room and boogie

Your first ps is no Naim ? You should try it with naim only against 2. It could be that naim alone will win :grinning:
If you need a second naim ps :joy:

I will not give up yet - 500 is only running for 4 days … if 500 is ready - so 2nd ps … this was as initially planned.

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Okay, so now I am fiddling. Just using the Naim PS. Other one is taking a rest!

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Fiddling is my part, Dan
Really love my system at the moment - one PS and the slightly darker but so 3d sound. A bit rough - Olive like :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Fantastic. I am really glad you love it! We have amazing systems. We made it!

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I am number 2 fiddler! All this talk of PSs and I thought I would experiment.

Remembering to relax and dress burndies with each change!


Done so :grinning:
Nd555 burndies are easy to dress - very flexible. Hell was 52 Burndy

Well it shows how much attention i take.
Only just realised you haven’t got 2 x 555ps.
What you are running is what i also had at one point. I had the top off the range one with the better cap’s.
I also tried it with 2 x naim 555dr ps, and it certainly sounded different.
I know we can’t talk about it but certainly try each on the different sides

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Hahaha! Naim 555PS solo sounds softer and not as clear!

Indeed Dunc. What can I say?


Back to 2 PSs now. What’s good is the ND5XS2 remains live and don’t have to wait for streaming section to get back on line.

2 PSs sounds better than one.

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Get more texture and depth. Wider sound stage, more 3 dimensional and deeper bass with 2.

I don’t get why Drago isn’t getting this sound on ND555.


Two psu’s is the one @Dan_M but give it a few days, your streaming will get much better over the next few days mate. my nds with two 555 just boggles my brain with how awesome it sounds.

I think your 100% on the right track having the dr on socket 1, thats the digital side so wants the better psu on that

I have a 555dr socket 1 and a 555 on socket two…beasty

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Well they are both 555PSs.

just wanted to add/ask, I bet its opened up like mad, vocals especially sound real etc

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Really open and wide soundstage. Sound is smoother and less closed in.

I’m lost :smile: You have 2 555PSDR and a non Naim PS that is a 555 clone?

thats exactly what I found when I went to one dr 555 mate, its mad to say but closed in in comparison. what a mad hobby it is when a 15k psu and streamer can sound closed in!haha but here we are

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My streaming set up is now so much better with the switch, Vodka cable and 2nd 555PS. Sounding wonderful.

It sounds more organic and analogue in some ways. Very rich timbre, texture and deep bass.


hes got a chc one, not sure if we are allowed to even talk about it…like fight club

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