552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

just one more box mate!haha


My advice would be to refuse any blandishments to “come and have a listen to the 350’s. We think you’ll like them. And anyway, your ATC’s like a bit of power” :grinning:


Having heard the 350s with my speakers as I said above, I prefer the 250. Maybe if I could miraculously come into money to afford SCM50s then 350s might be on the wish list but I might go for active 50s.


I’m surprised at that, but this is why everyone’s individual tastes and circumstances should be respected. In my experience, going from Olive 250 to 135s was a very positive experience.

ATC actives are very prices competitive though…

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Hi Paul,

That is wonderful news. 332 with 333 is a wonderful combo. How long is the wait?

Exciting times!

What are you thinking Stu? An ND555 ?

Not long I would think. A week or so I would guess.

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You got it! Or a 2nd PS first perhaps :thinking:

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I always say just this and just that and then I am finished! 2 weeks later I have done another upgrade again.

I wouldn’t overthink it. If 332 and 333 is right for you now along with 2 x 300NPXs, so be it.

If you get 2 x 350s later and bigger speakers, that’s cool.

It’s your choices and your hobby. And like to say you don’t spend much on your car.

And even if you did you can buy whatever you like. I may change my car. I may buy an ND555. Things change.


All I can say Stu, given some previous comments is that I love my NDS set up more than ever! Sounds superb.

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The LP12 does sound in a totally different league though. Really not sure an ND555 is gonna do it.

I am.listening to Thriller and it sounds like liquid gold. Incredible productuon and superb sound quality. It sounds so natural. And soundstage is so 3D. Hard to beat!


The LP12 should easily outperform a ND555 :+1:


Prodigy No Tourists pumped up loud on LP12. Sounds f###ing awesome! Loving it.

Dan is giving it the big one to the neighbours! I love it!


It’s high quality vinyl, original mix. Classic stuff as it was meant to be heard!

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If the neighbours complain just send them the pic as per post 698 Dan. That should keep them quiet :wink:

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Here’s a house for Techno-Dan.


Do you mean the pic of me or post 698? They don’t say much to me probably because of how I look and act. Never had any complaints ! I don’t expect any either.

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Tricky with internet for NDS. Perfect for vinyl listening! Could have ful statement there!

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I meant the pic in a humorous way. Good about the neighbours :+1:

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They just take one look at me and avoid me. I think some feel awkward. I used to have beard and full head of hair. Now I am bald! Plus I drive a big van, look mean and moody and play loud music. Would you approach me as your neighbour? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: