552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Hi Dan, this is what we found too, when we started auditioning streamers to replace the CDS3/555PS. That cd player set a very high bar and the turntable set a much higher bar. The ND555 with 1 supply was more capable than our cd player but incrementally so in every respect.

Enjoy your fantastic system.

Best wishes for better health, BF


the loudest of music!hahahahaha if i was your neighbour id be thinking…iv only got a nap300, just let the 500 be

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The Farad Super 3 arrived today with L2C cable. I had a spare Powerline so have fitted that to it. Going to let it settle in. System sounds so damned good before this anyhow!


Wooo……keep us in the loop


I wouldn’t be to worried about that :smile:


I would use the standard power cable first. I have experienced how the power line can ruin the sound of some components. Just a thought.

It doesn’t come with a standard power cable. How will powerline ruin the sound? I find powerlines add major improvements on the whole.

Me too Dan

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When I put it on my phono stage it ruined the bass. It got kind of muddy. Maybe it just doesn’t work well with certain power supplies. I really don’t know.

It’s because it’s Italian! :wink:


Let’s hope it doesn’t breakdown too often like an Alfa Romeo! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Been listening to streaming all night since Farad Super 3 was installed. Sounds better than ever. Needs to settle in though. Because of so many changes with Streaming section of system I haven’t been using the LP12 as much. Will put some vinyl on a bit later and see what the difference is. The streaming set up is definitely improved comapres to before with ee8, Farad Super 3 and additional PS on NDS.

Was worth making the changes.


My previous phono stage was Tom Evans The Groove + SRX power supply and you are meant to use standard power cable with it. I used powerline and bass sounded deeper. Sound was darker. But Tom Evans wants the standard power cable to be used for purity. So I get what you are saying.

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Cheers Dan! I lost my hair during chemo treatment in 1989 as a 30 yr old. It came back thicker . . . then I lost it again the conventional way – genetic male baldness. I keep it very short / almost shaved and honestly I enjoy being able to be out in the rain and just not worry about it.

Best wishes!!


Now listening to LP12. Some of my records would benefit from being cleaned with a record cleaner. Any recommendations?

The LP12 Klimax sounds more musical but the difference between the NDS and LP12 has now narrowed. The LP12 just still sounds better. But not on everything!

Maybe next move is record cleaning machine!


Always had a full head of hair. No receding areas, had a beard and was quite hairy everywhere. So to be bald, have no eyebrows, no nasal hair or very little hair everywhere makes me feel very bare and very bald. I do not like it! Hopefully it grows back soon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Ultrasonic machine, the best way in my opinion. Humminguru or the best one, a Degritter.

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Have you got one?

Put in an offer on a lightly used Degritter. See what happens!

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How many records do you have @Dan_M? I used a manual machine for 320 records - very meditative!