552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Yeah, well have kept up with you Peder!

Maybe Dunc. But you have yet to give me your recommendations! :muscle:

Waiting is something you donā€™t seem very good at!!!

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Iā€™m sorry you see things that way. I have waited it out on a good ND555 deal. This is as good as it gets. All my deals I have waited out for. Itā€™s such a shame you canā€™t see that! I have saved serious amounts of money and have made my dreams happen as a result!

Shame on you ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rofl:


But seriously! I have made things happen. And there are reasons for that. If you have read my history you will understand the benefit this has had on my health and mental well being!


It wasnā€™t meant as a criticism.

When you originally said you would slow down after recent purchases & give it some consideration, I assumed you meant months, perhaps a year or so. Not about 6 or 7 days!

I donā€™t really know how you do it. I have just taken delivery of new ProAc speakers, not exactly an obscure brand. I ordered them 6 months ago & encountered several obstacles in getting them & was beginning to doubt ever seeing them.

You undertake many major system changes, far more complex than a simple set of new speakers, & within a month or so itā€™s all done!


I know you didnā€™t mean it in any way as a criticism.

I put some emojis to indicate a jocular response. I hope I didnā€™t offend. I am sorry if I did.


Dan, @Canaryfan has a point. You mentioned that now you will pause and enjoy.
Butā€¦ I really know what happens, when opportunities are there - and the nd555 (I think eBay) was definitely one!
Will be so interested to hear your thoughts against nds.


I fully understand that.

As you know, I unexpectedly lost my wife last August. I hoped my hobbies (photography, trying to play guitar) would be some consolation but I actually lost interest in them, finding it difficult to concentrate on anything non-essential to running a home alone.

Listening to music was the one thing that gave me comfort. Some listening was just good music but, as you said earlier this evening, a lot of music bought back great memories of music & the times we shared together.

So believe me, I know exactly what the hi-fi currently means to you.

Long may you continue to enjoy it.


I took the deal Peder.

I said I would wait, but the deal came up. I havenā€™t seen an ND555 for this kind of money. And it was up for Ā£8500. Got it for Ā£7750. What could I do?


Now you should try the shunyata cable :smiling_face:
There is a preloved one at a German site ā€¦ it is so much better than vodka.
ā€¦Holger, not Peder :wink:

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You could do nothing than buy the thingā€¦. Nd555 is a beast


I am so sorry about the loss of your wife.

That is absolutely devastating.

I am sorry again for any misunderstanding and sometimes my jocular approach to these things can be offensive.

Reading it back I do come across as an arse!


They lining the boxes up with the front of the glass, and the glass with the wood. It looks better and should sound better too.

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Not offensive,but I did wonder if you had taken my, hopefully, humorous comment the wrong way.

I now see you hadnā€™t.

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Whatā€™s box at the base?

Enjoy, Dan!
Iā€™m sure you will, and even surer it couldnā€™t happen to a nicer guy.

(Iā€™m embarrassed - not really :wink:, only a little bit) - that I had to look up what an ND555 actually didā€¦but what I know of streaming wouldnā€™t fill the back of a Penny Black.)


I know, but all is on purpose as cable dressing tweak. :blush:

Sending you my apologies, love and best wishes my friend. I am simply an arse sometimes! I donā€™t mean it but I am!


Anyway, ND555 on itā€™s way! Coming early, before I intended. Letā€™s bring it on guys! Letā€™s see what it sounds like!

NDS and ND5XS2 and some cables out!