552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Fully agree !
With ND555 the drama began last may :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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and the fiddling continues :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Mine or Dan‘s? Mine will never end I fear :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi Dan,

You will love the ND555! In terms of box alignment, my dealer’s view (and I’ve heard the same from others) is that all components should have their front panels aligned with the chamfer on the glass, and the front of the glass should be in line with the front edge of the Fraim.

The exception to this rule is for components that have metal feet (552, ND555 etc.). These components should be set 10mm back from the front edge of the glass.

Whether you can hear a difference or care enough to try it, on the other hand

Enjoy the ND555; it really is a magnificent source.




This was news to me.

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I heared that but with my tiny space I need a bit box movement to give it the last step for cable dressing :rofl:

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I very much doubt moving the glass or box 10mm will make any difference, especially one a human can hear.
Especially when the 500 gear is supported on springs inside.
But each to their own as they say.

Dan i hope you find the nd555 worth the outlay over your NDS.


I remember @Darkebear saying that 1cm made a significant difference. Perhaps he uses ultrasonic hearing aids implants? :joy:


As said each to their own.

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With the non-suspended sub-chassis stuff pre-DR the 10mm works well and gives an airy open sound on Fram glass shelf.

With any item with suspended sub-chassis and DR supplies this can sound over-bright and lost detail.
In my system I could not use it 10mm back. Moving to 1mm back (just level with the glass shelf bevel-edge) gives a fine performance and loses the brash sound, gets all the deatil back and has far more solid bass.

But that is how I hear it - reported for info.
If you try it and do not hear any difference and prefer it farther back for looks, then that is obviously better in your case.

When the DR upgrade came out I have several friends with high-end Naim referance systems that had the DR done and were then complaining their system was now too bright and fatigue listening long sessions, alsthough the HiFi details were otherwise better it was just shouting a bit more than pre-DR.
Moving the item to nearer the front shelf fixed that for everyone and then the DR update was just better without reservation.

Just try it and listen and decide.



Awesome, my ND555 is up to the side edge of the Fraim too so that the Burndy hangs nicely.

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Indeed Dunc, each to their own.

As I said in my initial post; ‘Whether you can hear a difference or care enough to try it, on the other hand

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I see Ian,

That is why he lined them 10mm back!

Makes sense now.

That will keep us all busy fiddling!


I had a discussion about FRAIM set up with Peter S. I related the Roy George story, told to me by Jason Gould, where Jas had watched Roy at a hifi show setting up a FRAIM. Jas said that Roy’s neck veins were bulging as he tightened up each FRAIM level before assembly. Peter agreed with me that this is a very important part of set up. Finger tight just doesn’t cut it. As usual though DB’s pedantic attention to set up has some merit IMO. The front glass margin is another one of those small incremental improvements that when compounded with many like it create an optimised set up.


Fully agreed!
I also tighten with high pulse.
What I learned immediately with full 500 is, that tiny things have a much more prominent effect than before.


When do you expect the nd555 to come? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I sent the TRex CD with MetalGuru back and the Hummingguru came this morning and I have cleaned a few records that had previously been OkkiNokkied and there are audible improvements even with a 2 minute Auto clan and dry,



Bought some wine yesterday when being away from home and HIFI and not having to think about NACA5 and such.


You definitely made the impression to be in a resort not thinking about hifi :joy:

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Next Monday we will have the second real 555 dr :joy::cocktail::cocktail: