552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

Drago fiddling with everything vinyl will be the end.


God help us.


Holger will love the LP12. Lots of upgrades and fiddling. Keep the Phonosophie and add an LP12 and switch between the two tutntables. Maybe Aro and Ekos SE/1, for the LP12.

Fiddling with different carts and upgrade one thing at a time. Of course he will need an LP12 jig.

Another big day today @Dan_M you seem to have a knack sniffing out these Naim bargains, with an excellent deal on the 500DR and now the ND555. Looking forward to reading your review NDS/ND5XS2 vs ND555 :muscle:


Morning HiFiman,

Both from same dealer. I put offer in on ND555 and decent counter offer was made which I went for.

Arrives between 1215 and 1.15pm :muscle:


They are not hard to find, they are advised in the normal places, and are just priced at reasonable prices so they sell, rather than hanging around for months at unrealistic prices.
As said its a buyers market and the classic range along with the 500 gear has certainly been hit hard with secondhand prices.
Good time to take advantage ? Or wait a bit longer till the new stuff comes out and the prices fall further, thatā€™s the million dollar question.
But for Dan i think in his position he has done the right thing.


Good on you Dan. A bit of haggling gets a good deal

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Apart from purchasing 552DR and LP12 upgrades I have managed to knock down everything. But then most of stuff I have sold on I have taken a small hit on. Not too bad, but everyone wants something off.

And the 552DR and LP12 upgrades were very reasonable. And going to the lengths that Darren did with travelling 600 miles you canā€™t say fairer than that!

Alot of it is waiting for the right deal and then asking for more off!

Prices have stabilised more I believe. They have taken a hammering and itā€™s a good time to buy. There are good deals on used NC kit as well.

Tell me about it! Iā€™m selling a bunch of Playmobil stuff at the moment, youngest has grown out of it and chosen a few things he can do without. I had someone ask if Iā€™d take Ā£4 for an item advertised at Ā£5. I played hardball with them, sold it to someone else for the full asking price a day later :stuck_out_tongue:

Enjoy the ND555 turning up today Dan!

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Question mark

With vinyl it is harder (better so) to fiddle. You can not do a/b easily with arm or cart.
There is vinyl for me a bit more fiddle resistant.
Andā€¦ @Blackbird
When it comes to fiddling, I think I have found my master :joy:


Thanks Dan.
Vinyl will be next. Yes.
I know this the moment I saw @Cohen1263ā€˜s deck.
But I am completely new in all the lp12 world with its Lego like upgrades. Must first read a lot and then I know what I want and need.

By the way.
Donā€™t underestimate the phonosophie deck. With an aro and new cart (maybe new phono pre) it could be a killer!


You can change tonarms and carts yourself. I have done so before. I had LP12 set up expertly. But on my sonā€™s Thorens TD160, and previous tonearms on LP12 I have changed them over.

A bit of practice and itā€™s possible to play with carts and tonearms and compare them.

Itā€™s more satisfying when it goes well. At price of my LP12 upgrades I will leave it alone!

Record cleaning machine is fun too!

When you look for offers at the known places more times a day you get a chance for deals. Time consuming and mad, but sometimes with good results :grin:


Got a vinyl cleaner. Tiny kleeny - works fine for me. And I have got the afi2 vinyl flattening machine!
My eyes are getting really bad at nearfield - fiddling with decks is out.
I need a full new one, an lp12 specified to my wishes by a dealer (there is one lp12 specialist not far from where I live) or a finally tweaked phonosophie.
As the wise rooster mentionedā€¦ I need an aro firs and they come so damn rare here.

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It doesnā€™t ā€œkillā€ my deck Drago. I tried one. Very fast but a little aggressive and forward by comparison. If you prefer an 82 pre amp to a 552 then the Phonosophie might be your dream deck! I hope that you get chance to do a comparison :+1:

Wow - thought the phonosophie is more local. Love to hear, that there are no3s around in the uk.
No way that any p3 kills your lp12.
But I like the forward tiny pushy sound - how should ne do otherwise coming from the Olive era.
For this reason I prefer more round carts.

But especially when you realize that it is a very old deck it is still very good. And yes - I like the phonosophie guys as they brought me to the naim drug end of 80s

I definitely prefer 552 and 52 over 82.

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Agreed and the Phonosophie is a serious bargain if at around Ā£3500 second hand. I seriously considered one. I feel that you will prefer Ekos to ARO :thinking:


My digital is top of the pops now and betters the phonosophie, but there also magic in phonosophie powered by prefix/supercap.

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I didnā€™t thought the Phonosophie costs so much. 3500 second hand. How much new today ?

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