552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I liked the bigger speakers that Naim had at HQ the Focal Scala Utopias but they are possibly too big. What I have is sufficient and extremely good. I would consider better speakers versus SuperLumina speaker cable upgrade, which would be £6k cabling for what I would want.

But I think I would want to listen to other speakers as well.

My system is loud enough for my room.

Very gappy with it guys!

What about a sub ?

Or a Powerline ( with bussman fuse) for the degritter- you will surely hear the difference?


Genius idea. Have two spare powerlines. Will see how it works on Degritter! :muscle:


Love your sense of humour by the way :clap:

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Sub with these speakers? They have more bass than anything! Superb bass.

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I see Kudos Titan 808 coming….

From Hifi NL


So the system is very complete as it is.

Could change speakers and go active with 3 x 500DRs.

Would be cheaper than S1 with existing system.

I like it as it is. I don’t have the funds at present as I need to factor in my serious health problems.

But idea is nice! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Late to the party, but agree with @Oxfordian - I highly recommend Mint sleeves @Dan_M - great product to accompany your Degritter. And best wishes to you!

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Very nice and gives opportunities for upgrades :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Very different sounding to Focal. He might be disappointed in them


I haven’t heard them. Heard great things about them on here.

Focal are very forward and full on in soundstage. Very direct, bass and treble very direct.

Other speakers which are more neutral tend to be different in balance.

All becomes very subjective.

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Well you will hear some soon

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I’ve only heard Focal three times (including the top end ones with Full Statement at HQ) . I don’t like them. Especially how the tweeter sounds. But it’s irrelevant what I think here as you like their presentation. Of course 808’s become something very special to me with 3 x 500. I feel the same about the DBL which I have a sneak you would love :thinking:


You mean the DBL tweeter is not to your liking? In what way don’t you like these tweeters?

No the opposite. I love the DBLs. I meant DBL sound amazing with 3 x 500. I don’t like the Focal tweeters. Somewhat hard sounding IMO. The overall Focal sound is just too clinical for my tastes with more of a reproduction character than a real event type of illusion that DBL and T808 provide. Very subjective I know and I just want Dan to love what he owns


Just in case if one day you would want to upgrade the speakers. Another option from Focal.
Let’s enjoy your full 500 system and pass through your health issues. I wish you the best.
I remember you said it’s less problematic than before, and you won the most difficult phase.


I’m not sure now my friend. It spread to new area of the lung. So news wasn’t good. Lets see what happens. Just enjoying life to be honest. I don’t know what will happen!


That is the best way when having cancer hanging over you. Live and enjoy life whilst you can for as long as possible.

I just found out today that I am being sent for a biopsy of a lesion on my face. GP referred me urgently to dermatology, and a medical photograph reviewed by the consultant led to me being called in, the result will decide whether surgery is needed. Since my cancer, I have been referred urgently a few times for symptoms that may or may not be cancer-related. GPs in my experience seem to be overly cautious following my cancer, this time though, maybe not. However, to be honest, I am more concerned about my recent emphysema diagnosis and the results of the upcoming lung function test, I was sent for a routine lung cancer screening as an ex-smoker, no sign of cancer but this was discovered. The thought of not being able to exercise is not brilliant. All through my treatment and immediately afterwards I was walking every day to get some exercise in, getting on my bicycle less than a month after the end of my treatment being completed, much to the amazement of the cancer centre team. Cancer tries to stop your journey, I chose to continue my journey and just see my cancer as a diversion due to a natural disaster and whilst maybe not getting back onto the original route, finding another route that takes me to many wonderful experiences.


Hi Paul,

Thanks for sharing your story with us. We are hear to support you. You are very brave and positive!

We both need to make the best of things and live life to the full.