552DR ordered and LP12 upgrades

I have a habit of doing that :rofl:


A joke, as @gthack answered. Tongue in cheek as you say here in UK.


I am also looking for SL 6m ā€¦ but no chance ā€¦ hard to findā€¦ will look in usual platforms :blush:
Links are not allowed here!

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Thatā€™s right as I use Beresford Switch. Going to stick with Naca5 for now. Very happy with set up and the speakers and cabling.


Here in UK? Are you on the move now Rooster, thought you were in Parisā€¦:wink:

I was referring to the kind of speaking in UK. If I move, it will be more south than north :joy:

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I understood what you meant, Iā€™m just kidding :grin:

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I wrote Ā« here Ā» referring to the forum.
But yes, it was not formulated as it should be. I deserve the kidding. :joy:

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@Dan_M do you mind me asking what you paid for your 500 DR? I have an opportunity to buy a 2023 model for 10.5k + a trade in on my 250 DR and would really appreciate any views on whether that is a fair price. I had no intention of buying one, but after losing my dad earlier in the week, I realised life is too short!

ps. I did try and look through the thread but it is quite substantial now!


I am ver sorry about that - my deepest condolences!

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He won the bay lottery! :sunglasses:

Ā£6000. Itā€™s an early one but was DRd in 2017. They replaced the head unit completely. It was an eBay auction and a silly price tbh. I havenā€™t checked if the PS was serviced at same time.

I paid Ā£11000 for 552DR 2017 unit.

So a new 500DR 2023 for that price is amazing. Snap it up!

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Service costs are Ā£900 per unit so it wonā€™t need servicing for 12 to 15 years. Good deal. Get it!

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Thanks Dan, I think it would be rude not to. I know it is a heavy thing, do you think my existing Fraim would be able to take the weight? This would clear me out so I cannot afford a second Fraim. I was thinking I could move the turntable onto my desk nearby as an interim measure as I have some good isolation feet on it already. So I would have the 500 and PS on the bottom and then SCDR, NDX2 and 252 at the top.


Sorry about your Dad. Are you planning on a full 500 system eventually? I wonder whether your system might be too unbalanced otherwise?


Sorry for your loss, take care.


Yes. It will work really well with your Fraim. 500PS on bottom shelf. 500 Head Unit above that.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Life is short and making the most of it is the best way.

252 Supercap with 500DR is spot on. Will sound great. NDX2 would benefit from power supply though.

I used ND5XS2 with 500DR when NDS was away and it sounded surprisingly good!

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And I found 52 Supercap 2 500DR worked extremely well. Look at the 500DR as a masterpiece. It will benefit your system.

Not everyone will agree with me and the source could be better tbf.

But go for it.


Thanks Dan, that is aligned with my thinking. My longer term plan is to then add a 555PS to my NDX2, but I donā€™t plan to go any further. Maybe just some upgraded XLR cables for the 500DR :slight_smile: The 252 is a great sounding pre and I am really happy with my NDX2ā€¦

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