Any info about airplay2 update for New Unity’s?

any updates?
some infos from beta test if this is possible would be nice!


It was said that it will be here soon, one year ago. Then at the end of March, then early April. Now we’re at end of April and still nothing so don’t know what to believe now…

I’m sure it’s a lot of work and I’m very happy they continue with improvements, but maybe if they release more frequent smaller updates, we wouldn’t be nagging so much.

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Beta testers cannot publicly comment on ongoing Beta testing, so no point asking them. If all has gone well, I would guess the next update will be the actual release announcement.

Unfortunately I have to agree with some forum members here. The way Naim has handled the communication of the AirPlay 2 Update for their Uniti range was very unlucky and also some kind of unprofessional.

Naim was one of the first manufacturer to announce support for AirPlay 2 with the Uniti range back in June 2017, so almost 2 years ago. Now nearly everybody else has already rolled out the AirPlay 2 Update. Being the first to announce and last to implement the AirPlay 2 Update - in a timeframe of 2 years - is really disappointing.

I have to say I prefer a perfect implementation and best sound quality to everything else, so I’m waiting too and that’s ok for me. But nevertheless, looking at this point objectively, I have to admit Naim could do much better with communicating the state of their AirPlay 2 update progress - at least in this forum and especially after so much time of waiting.

So @NaimAdmin I also would appreciate one more official status report to your AirPlay 2 update. Thank you very much therefor!


but naim has allready stated that the release point will be as advertised, you know this september 2018, no wait it was newyear , sorry beginning of january, aarrghhm februar no. well it is true it will be released at the end of march, ha ha ha you fool it will be in april, but it’s true it’s comming in may.
SO in naim language, you moron we just dont know.

As you know, the AirPlay 2 - along with several other Uniti upgrades – went into open Beta test earlier this month. We continue to work with our beta testers to eliminate any issues with these software updates before they go live. Apologies for the delay, but we are committed to delivering software that meets both the functionality and, crucially, sound quality requirements expected of Naim Audio products. Thanks for your continued patience – we will update you further on progress at the end of the week.


Thanks for the update. Careful reading of this thread should reveal that the biggest frustration is not that the functionality is delayed but rather that there has been poor communication. It would be great if this could be noted and borne in mind for the future. Customers will forgive much if they are kept appraised. Customers left in the dark won’t.


You are right. The not well working communication was the main problem.
just keep killings bugs ! THX to NAIM for the hard WORK!
New Products in the pipeline and software management …

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Has I understand, Naim approve the fact that firmware upgrade will affect the sound even if it is only for additional functionallity.

Considering this fact, I have already asked to downgrade to previous firmware which had a better overall présentation for me (2.3). I hope Naim will autorise to downgrade the firmware on demand for the next realez. I have asked many times to do this and the response was : “We will provide a New firmware soon”. More than 6 months later and still at the same point !

It’s not à communication problème but à quality problem to me, Naim don’t take care of jus customers.

I think that we have to be patient. I personally think that we should not expect any new firmware this side of summer holidays. Beta tests must take long considering that following the feedback changes must be made and tested again! Look at Synology diskstation firmware for example, their latest beta release took at least 6 months before final release was available. In the meantime
I do agree that Naim would be better off releasing smaller upgrades more often or release beta to the public asking for feedback (but this would require allowing for firmware to be downloadable).

I agree on the “release often” approach - if you have sufficient quality in the product, sufficient resources to run different (development) tracks of your software in parallel and fast/efficient quality assurance.

Aside: given the latest information in the thread on “8.5.2019” topic, there would be reason to expect the release before that date. :wink: (Assuming it’s linked to new product releases.)

Naim promised an update at the end of this week. Progress report so far…

As promised, an update on the forthcoming Uniti software release, which will enable a range of new functionality, including AirPlay 2 across the range; the ability to turn off system displays; plus support for the optional DAB/FM radio module for Uniti Star and Nova.

The continuing beta test of this complex software update has revealed a few remaining bugs that require fixing, before the update goes for final sound-quality testing ahead of release…

Thank you for your continued patience while we work to deliver the very best possible software update; we will update you further on Friday 3rd May.


@NaimAdmin and @Richard.Dane what about the update on Friday 3rd May (= today)?

Any new information?
What‘s the status report for today?

Thank you for keeping us informed!

Latest update from Naim is that it’s looking good so far. Naim have their hands full with the High End Show in Munich and product launch next week so, all being well, the hope is to get something out the following week, but will confirm that (or otherwise) in due course.

Product launch, details please :innocent:

All will be revealed on the 8th as to what’s coming…

I was hoping for a moment you’d lapse and let it slip :sunglasses:


Psychic Hollow says it’s a revised Muso that can be configured as a stereo pair

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Today is the 8th, isn‘t it? :blush:

Yes, the new product announcement is today. All should be revealed later today.