Anyone checked out the website recently

The accessibility of the website is still a dumpster fire, sadly.

Which is such a shame as it is not a complex website in terms of making it accessible if only the known standards and rules are followed.

Starting with the homepage animation, which has some parts with flashing that can actually make some users ill. On my browser it still auto plays. Please please make the pause button easier to find and location wise not at the bottom of the animation.


Still splashy video for me.

I do agree with many folks here though, the site does nothing for me and if I was new to the brand thereā€™s nothing that would make me think, hmmm this looks like someone I want to know more about.

As a long term Naim owner who in the not too distant future will likely explore a significant upgrade in amplification, I see nothing in that which entices me to go further, itā€™s a Eurotrash style mess.

But for this forum, my first ports of call would defo. be elsewhere and frankly I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I do look to move on. I donā€™t know who Naim think their target market is but it doesnā€™t feel like me.


Thatā€™s why thereā€™s the forum - itā€™s here for you and other Naim owners like you.


Itā€™s still flashing images on my phone. Having a flashing website like a hyperactive toddler is all the rage it seems. Take a look at the Bremont . com watches website, itā€™s just the same, though the images seem more relevant to the product than they do on Naim.

At the end of the day itā€™s about personal preference and no website will please everyone.

I think the video is cuts way to often for a site because you also need to focus on text on the screen. It would be more suitable if it was your sole area of attention but itā€™s not and it makes it very hard to concentrate. Slower movements and less frequent cuts (that also donā€™t dramatically change clashing background colours) would have been far better.

Take a look at the Chord site. Thatā€™s pretty much the way to do it imo. Same with Audiolab.

Clearly Naim has a greater amount of info. and history to share but thatā€™s easily accommodated.

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Also, one could genuinely be forgiven for thinking that Naim is a Bently dealership for ballet dancers. Thereā€™s a black box that is the Statement which wonā€™t register at all as a bit of hifi unless you know ahead of time. The bulk of the video headlights, alloy Bently wheels and a dancer.

Whoops I must have gone to the wrong site. This is some erotic car fetish pageā€¦ Oh wait?! It is Naim.


I think it was all about harmonising with the Focal in terms of simplicity and commonality. I donā€™t like the Focal website either ā€¦.

How many designers would be briefed that it had to include former products ?

Suspect that whoever briefed the designers didnā€™t do a good job.

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I think that is very likely the explanation. They were probably also told to make it all ā€˜workā€™ over the current range of devices - from phone, to tablets to laptops and computers.

The Devil is as always in The Details. And this is where there seem to have been significant problems.

My guessā€¦ is that it will never get truly fixed. Too much time and cost needed.

Forum Users at least have the Forum as an alternative source of information.


Still a few spurious photos in place.

I love the way that this bloke is hand matching the componentry.



But that site doesnā€™t have moving/flashing images and weird posturing (dancing?), so where did that all come from? Having asked, the flashing aspect has been used in Naimā€™s teaser video releases about new product launches, so someone in Naimā€™s marketing side must think it works, though brief glimpses of different angke views of a new product is somewhat different in content.

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Because it was there first , and when told to harmonise decided to jazz it up .

And no mask or goggles - health safety would have a field day if they visited Naim.

I mean what goes through someoneā€™s head when they select a picture like that for a website.


It may be with designers / coders who do not know the guidelines. There definitely is a push to stop this as it can harm users physically. It could trigger a seizure in some people.

There are literally W3C criteria for flashing:

And for autoplaying videos:

Yes, there is a pause button, but it is located at the bottom right and very subtle with an extremely subtle keyboard focus outline. This means users will have to tolerate the flashing while searching for this.


I think I understand the relationship between the image of the man and the Statement amplifier: he had to give the shirt off his back to be able to afford it!


Bloody expensive shirt.

Iā€™m surprise heā€™s not completely naked (of course with a fig leaf or similar)


I agree completely. Itā€™s just unnecessary.

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Oh dear.

A generic web image - ā€˜replace laterā€™ - not done.

How very embarrassing. Although my guess is that the ā€˜newā€™ Naim website is way beyond embarrassingā€¦ :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Naim need to see this - @Richard.Dane - please.

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Naim doesnā€™t have a marketing side. All marketing is done by Focal/Naim which is not based in UK. At least thatā€™s how I understand it.

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