Working for a web/tech company myself I understand this. But being the same codebase or even the same running instance, and simply (re)using some of the same code/libs/themes, are two different things.
It is hard to remember who works there so sorry for explaining the obvious then
Does not have to be, much of the source code will be the same instance. If you clone it and start changing it you lose the power of shared code, which you then will already know.
I am not saying the two websites are same running instance, no, but the underlying source code will be from the same single source. So if you change things in there, and have used any kinda of proper release platform, the changes will instantly become apparent in all websites built on that code.
Or perhaps we are talking about the same thing and just talking past each other
Another week has passed - 7 weeks since the launch, so I guess that is it, if they haven’t got around to, or been given permission to, resolve all the issues likely little chance of it happening. Today I tried clicking on the “discover our story” to get rid pf the awful flashing and prancing incomprehensible mime artist, to find a somewhat disjointed/jumbled set of pictures and text (Discourse app on iPad). But maybe that is all we should expect.
It’s still rather average and not very logical. I’d be mortified if it was my upmarket hi fi site.
I just hope that the further development and support of the app doesn’t follow the same path of the website.
I am quite sure that the two are in no way connected with each other
I spoke to Naim support yesterday about registering a new product after not being able to log in any more. They are still expecting the website to be developed further so that we can register products directly, but in the meantime we have to email in details. So, apparently, more development is expected. It’s noticeable too that the interactive support for individual products is still missing.
This is far from impressive from Naim.
I must assume that the Bean Counters have not yet sanctioned any significant action…?
One ‘solution’ would be to give up on this version of the website completely - and start again.
Had I as a new customer gone to Naims’ website to get an overview of the products, I would have probably looked for another brand after that, the new website is so abysmally bad
This is what a website should look like
Now that’s a better site that’s easy to navigate
A sensible idea….one which will fall on deaf ears.
Several of us, early on when the web site had just gone live, remarked that a lot of the errors, omissions and graphic distractions could have been avoided by asking some on the forum to take a preview.
A web site is far removed from a brochure, yet it seems here, no real thought has been given to the “audience”, while basic errors have been waived through. Design by committee comes to mind!
I fear that many of the contributions from peps, for appropriate or necessary changes, with little or no acknowledgement that the exercise has been value to whoever is responsible for the website, suggests any satisfactory future progress will likely prove elusive.
But where’s the highly irritating, and to some people disorienting or seizure-triggering flashing? The meaningless, pointless, distracting imagery? And how come it is easy to see what there is?
And - the Forum was asked (by Naim), for comments which they would look into.
Is it just me… Or has there apparently been very little actually done with or about those comments…? Certainly not much specific has been reported back here. We were asked for our comments. Seems that the ‘message’ we sent was either not liked or has been ignored. So far. Maybe everything is still being looked into. Strange its taking so long. Because - it IS important.
Naim. What IS Going On…?
Think we - the Forum Membership - are wasting our time here.
Naim Is Not Listening (apparently *).
[* - If Naim IS listening, then please - show us, tell us - whats been done, whats to be done. Not expecting line-by-line details. Just something to show progress. V1.1 due end June, V1.2 due end July, etc.]
They have fixed some, maybe most, of the worst primary content errors that should never have made it anywhere near publication, like incorrect links or data and mixed language, but that seems to be it - and given the time that has passed there would appear to be either no inclination:interest, no permission, or no resources to do more
My thoughts, too.
The proverbial Low Hanging Fruit - the obvious/important/easy fixes are done - and that’s it.
Likely that it was done external to Naim/Focal, so anything additional would be Out Of Spec - and would cost. Some problems may be down to Naim, if any the data/info the contractors were given was wrong, or incomplete. Omissions may also be Naim’s - if they were not in the agreed project spec.
Website Nightmare.
Best they could do is speak to whoever did the Aus site and see if they can Britify it… In the meantime better remove it and reinstate the old, as has been said before, but that’s not going to happen.
Like your categorisation - should serial numbers be in there…?Checking - the last year open / listed is 2022……!
The problems with the Serial Numbers predates the new-and-improved website by quite a long time, to my knowledge.
I and others have asked repeatedly for this to be updated and / or corrected. Some improvements were made I believe…
Still Not Right……