Anyone listen to FM radio any more?

But where do you get factual news from?

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Ha - my perceived BBC bias used to be corrected by the Independent but since that has gone on line I balance / skew my input with the Guardian / Observer. Although they are a tad to much to the lift for my liberal soul.
BTW I have only rust returned to R4 as the Brexit coverage just got too much for me. Abroad I relied on the World Service, which was more central to my tastes than R4.


These are pretty useless, they amplify everything, including noise, cross channel & all & every other airborne crap.
If you have an aerial issue, the only way to improve signal quality is at the aerial, either by changing its location or direction or by using a higher gain antenna. If the signal quality is good (meaning small but no noise or cross channel) then a masthead amplifier can be used


The World Service is of course on the R4 FM wavelengths in the UK from 1am through to the early morning shipping forecast (although sometimes referred to as the Shipping Bulletin for some reason) at just before 5am I think (usually dozed off by then!!) and I find the News form the World perspective quite different to the R4 Today Programme for instance (better…), and maybe more central to your taste?

No need to be abroad…

Possibly DAB will deliver the BBC World Service all day, but there are the sound quality problems, although the content will mostly be speech.

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Yes in multiple scenarios. From a SQ perspective they are bad news, especially with stereo decode, where this an AM element as well. If you are going to amplify your antenna feed, you should it as close as to the antenna as possible and have your ants external and in the clear, so you are not amplifying any induced noise in the downfeed.

Only in the car, rest of the time it is a stream or DAB.

DAB / internet does deliver the World Service, and, of course when woken by the dog does R4 in the early hours. For me the only problem with the WS is the repetitive nature of the programming.

This is something that seems to be routine on R4 during the day, a result of being cheapskate and saving money rather than delivering quality content. The Freeview TV that we use is the same, where there appears to be a wide range of channels, but most just churn out endless repeats. Looking at the future of the BBC I think we have seen the best, and it will be downhill from now.

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Thanks @Simon-in-Suffolk @Mike-B @oscpercy
So will stick to internet based Radio, as getting an external FM aerial on the chimey stacks of this, is just not possible

"a gothic revival residence, was constructed in the early 1800s for antiquarian Sir William Betham as his private home.



We have a similar constraint, but overcame the issue with a Ron Smith Galaxie 17 hanging in the loft space. It looks like you have enough loft space there too.

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Yes, if 1) you could get up into the loft/roof space and 2) you can get leads down multiple floors to the equipment (you can’t put cables externally, as a listed building)
Both are a challenge

Well if the LF is frozen for a few years and only released from its lock in return for dumping the cost of free O75 licences onto the BBC, there are bound to be some efficiency savings.

I took the cable along a beam then out through the eaves behind a cast iron gutter downpipe and back in through the wall under a door. Quite a route, but it works well and didn’t upset the planning authorities.

Make the efficiencies in the outrageous salary bill for over paid presenters, who are hardly any part of quality content…

Hi - in the UK the following permitted development is allowed on properties up to 15metres high without planning permission

Aerials installed on these houses must meet the following restrictions:

  • There can be no more than 2 aerials on the property
  • If you are installing 1 antenna, it can be no wider than 1 metre
  • If you are installing 2 antennas, 1 can be no wider than 1 metre, the other can be no wider than 60cm
  • The cubic capacity of an antenna cannot be more than 35 litres
  • An antenna attached to a chimney stack can be no wider than 60cm
  • An antenna mounted on the roof with a chimney stack should not stick out above the roof any higher than 60cm above the chimney stack
  • If an antenna is mounted on the roof and there is no chimney stack, the antenna should not stick out above the roof

Where the property is in a conservation area the following additional requirement applies

  • You cannot install an aerial on a chimney, wall or roof which faces or is visible from a road

Where the property is listed you will need to apply for planning permission - and no doubt be permitted along the requirements of the above as per a conservation area unless really unlucky.

Unfortunately these requirements don’t really support Yagi FM antennas as these antennas are larger than the dimension stated here - though fine for DAB and DVB. However for non conservation area or non listed buildings I am not sure how much notice is really placed on these requirements…

No wider than 1 metre eliminates a normal FM dipole which will be aprx 1.5m wide. A multi element with a reflector takes that to >1.6m
A circle (halo) type (yuk) will be aprx 0.5m

indeed as I tried to say above these requirements donot lend themselves to a FM Yagi - and at best a folded dipole.
Surely its not the first time you have come across none sensical planning requirements :slight_smile:

As you say a broadcast FM reflector on a Yagi based design (beam) is typically going to be around 165 cms wide… focussing around 98MHz

Yes, I don’t have a chance


Even painting the windows, nevermind replacing them is subject to planning

Internet Radio from my Auralic Aries G1… Sounds great. I have three somewhat local stations WXPN, WXPN2. WXPN does a lot of Alt stuff, classic rock, prog rock, Dead, young Indie bands and a show called The World Cafe… they even have an actual Cafe in Philly call The World Cafe… They broadcast live from there and it’s open to the public… I also listen to WRTI great Jazz station. FYI these are all UPenn college stations…

In the car I listen to Sirius/XM satellite radio…