BBC Radio down?

Is anybody else having a problem with BBC radio? All BBC channels are down on my Naim devices. PC, mobile and steam radio all fine.

Tried router and Naim reboots.

Down too in South Oxfordshire. Other V-tuner stations are fine.

I’m South Oxfordshire as well. Maybe we have been singled out. :slight_smile:

As you, other V-tuner stations are fine.

Good to hear some good news for a change :wink:


I just posted a similar topic, but I’m a newbie so my post isn’t yet approved. In short, yes, indeed, I’m experiencing the same issue. No BBC Radio stations are working at all.

I know that the BBC (in their infinite wisdom) is dropping support for players that take a direct feed this year. My BBC Radio feeds on my Linn streamers were working yesterday, evening this morning, but stopped working this afternoon. Linn is a casualty of the BBC’s slashing support for unsupported devices/partners, but thanks to Naim’s higher-ups, Naim is an approved provider of BBC Radio audio and work has been done to ensure that our presets continue to work.

So, why have the Naim BBC Radio stations suddenly stopped? Are there technical issues afoot? Could we have a post about this from Naim please?

Thank you.

I’z Oxfordshy’r as well and my BBC iRadio HLS 339 is working just fine.

I blame SODC, (the pothole preservation society as they are known in these parts.

One for @Stevesky perhaps…

I’m in Oxford, too. Are we part of some sinister experiment, I wonder?

No BBC stations on my Qb in Yorkshire, relieved to hear it’s not a problem with the unit.

This is strange, my service is still working fine

To be sure we are all on the same service, I’m connected on Naim iRadio ‘Naims Choice’ not vTuner or BBC.

Aha. You’re onto something. I was using my presets (originally derived from Naim’s “BBC Radio” section). If I go through Internet radio, BBC Radio then it all works.

Time to update my presets. I hadn’t realised they were held separately; I had always assumed they were a shortcut.


BBC stations including BBC Radio Oxford are working on my Linn streamer using Linn Airable - not that I want to listen as I have better stations to listen to.

I’ve just discovered the same. It’s the presets that aren’t functioning.

I clear & renew my presets from time to time.
I get BBC from the Naims Choice section of iRadio, including the R.Paradise(s) & Naim Radio/Jazz.

Thanks for that advice. I do not actually have BBC listed under Naim’s Choice but it is further down the Internet Radio page. I have renewed all the BBC presets and all is well. Many thanks.

Ahh !!! Sorry my bad, yes the BBC’s have their own section.

If only. My Linn BBC Radio streams also stopped working at the same time. Full on pincer movement.

Buckingham as well.

My non naim bbc hls streams have stopped today.

Are you using Linn Airable radio?
Mine are all working.
Are you in UK?