BBC Radio down?

Now resolved, went back into iRadio and searched BBC and they all appeared.

It was the same for me 1st thing but after rebooting the Muso again and unloading and reloading the app I was able to get the iRadio list to appear. All okay now on the muso.

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The BBC has decided to deny direct access to its HD radio streams as of today. Devices such as Naim streamers can still use the streams via different HLS or DASH technologies, so by now you will have discovered that in most cases searching the BBC internet radio menu will allow them to be selected and if necessary re-saved as favourites and or button selections.

In its usual high handed fashion they have decided that, even as a public financed non-profit organization, access to radio content will be limited to their prescribed methods.

How this affects quality I donā€™t know.


Iā€™ve managed to re-set BBC Radio 3 on my Uniti Star using the app but on my Mu-so QB when I search for iRadio stations the app is buffering and nothing (no list of radio stations, BBC or otherwise) is coming up.

Any ideas?

Restart the Qb and the app?

No SQ change that my Mk-II lugā€™oles can detect.

Reading the issues some peeps seem to have on this thread is a bit strange, Iā€™ve had no problems at all.
But just to be sure, once again this morning I deleted my BBC presets & reinstalled again from the Naim BBC iRadio listing.

Tried both to no avail. Incidentally, the reloaded app now has a white background rather than a back background. Why?

Go into Settings and change ā€œApp Appearanceā€ to ā€œDarkā€


Did you do a full power off restart of the Qb or just on and off with the button/logo? I meant a full power off restart. If that doesnā€™t work, try doing a router restart and turn the Qb on again once the router is fully back on line.

I turned off at the mains. Iā€™ll try the router option later.

BBC Radio reconnected!

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Wow! Been the owner of an Akurate DSM/3 for a few months now and was unaware of Linn Airable. Just spent the last hour sorting out my stations.

I was using Tune In but limited functionality (esp BBC) and was using a Google ChromeCast via the Sounds App. Life has just got a whole lot better.

Many thanks @Paul_C!

Linn released Airable around 15 months ago and it is brilliant radio.
It seemed to sneak out without any company fanfare (to ā€œreplaceā€ TuneIn which is now basically useless in the UK through no fault of LInn). That is why many owners appear not to know about it.
It also works across all the Linn streamer range including my aging 2011 Majik DS/1.

It appears to have all stations as I have only ever found two ā€œminorā€ stations missing.
The station search is simple, speedy and effective, and stations can be favourited and pinned as pre-sets.

Airable is proactive in both quickly adding new stations and sorting out any stream changes.
They respond to contact almost by return unlike vTuner who require Naim pressure.

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Thanks for this Steve, Iā€™ve now restored all the presets I use on my Uniti Atom and all but 1 on my Muso Qb 1st generation. However, for some reason BBC Radio 5 Live Extra doesnā€™t come up on my Muso like it did before, though it does on the Atom. Would you know why? Is there anything I can do to get it back apart from stream it with the BBC Sounds app to the Muso?

I have a Linn Majik DS and Majik DSI, too. Yes, itā€™s not like Linn to pull out the stops for the customer community, but Iā€™m jolly glad they did in this instance because itā€™s extended the usefulness of the systems. I really do like my Linns.

Curiously, last Tuesday, 24/10, I was listening to BBC Radio 3 FM on my NAT01, when suddenly at 10:05am it stopped. I checked on the BBC transmitter check web site, which said nothing other than the service was good from the transmitter I use.

I phoned the Radio and Television Investigation Service and after about 40 minutes of extensive questioning, I was given a case number and was told that Iā€™d receive a reply by email within 10 days once theyā€™d completed their investigation. About eight hours later I tried the tuner again and all was well, normal service had been resumed. I checked the BBC transmitter check web site, which now said that BBC Radios 1, 2, 3 & 4 had all been off air due to essential engineering from 10:05 to 14:15.

Then on Thursday I received the email response following the BBCā€™s investigation. It said that according to its transmitter checking web site, BBC Radios 1, 2, 3 & 4 had all been off air due to essential engineering from 10:05 to 14:15 :rofl:

During the time of the above incident I switched to the 320kbps stream of BBC R3 through the ND555. It really is not too shabby at all. It certainly gives the NAT01 a fair chase.

Iā€™ve also lost all BBC radio stations (on my Atom and MuSo Qb boxes). Is it because the BBC has announced that itā€™s dropping support for the ā€˜Shoutcast Streaming Technologyā€™?? I donā€™t know if Naim uses that technologyā€¦

The cause and solution is shown earlier in this thread.
see BBC Radio down? - Streaming Audio - Naim Audio - Community