Best internet radio anyone?

Found a Shoutcast link.

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I can’t stop listening to Radio Paradise Mellow Mix…to say superb doesn’t do it justice!


Jb radio 2 flac hi res no talking but if you never owned a record you would be spoiled for choice. Mainly 70/80/90 non pop album tracks in high quality! That’s my choice


I agree. Radio Paradise is ok but seems to repeat frequently which puts me off. JB2 has better quality and better and much bigger selection in my view.


Agree on repetition on radio paradise. I rarely listen to it anymore due to this. Jazz groove though. Magic!


Thank you for the tip, now playing in the background on the Muso, very good.

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Alpha Boys’ School Radio.

The original and best, comin’ atcha with Reggae, Ska and Dub, direct from Kingston Town.

Respect due.


Absolutely. I have been saying this for a while in regards to content and sound quality. In second place is Pureclassix and then distant third RP for this genre.

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They did say Rp mellow mix just a loop the main mix is what they are concentrating on until they sort things out but Jb is amazing although I wish I could download it on to my phone like Rp for the car!

Statement from RP is available on their web site re curating the various RP streams. Basically worked on main mix and then employing new dj’s to remix the others this year.

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Dutch web radio, American songs from the 40s to today. Very pleasant music and excellent hi-fi quality


A nice station.
“The Great American Songbook” radio station (Netherlands)
URL “;


Which JB Radio2 flac stream are you using - with metadata or no metadata?
Are you using Naim Radio or Roon?

There is a long-standing issue with JB Radio2 flac stream with metadata “on some streamers” stopping at end of each track.
There are also reports on the Roon forum about the issue.
See “Some FLAC streams removed - Live Radio - Roon Labs Community
It is a long-standing issue.

The flac stream without metadata works fine.

Thanks very much for the tip. It‘s really a very nice sounding radio station.

Hi Paul have you hears something more about Octave Radio (PS Audio). I still cannot find this station via Naim App.

Station has been working fine for months. V-Tuner issue/delay.
@Stevesky Any progress?

You could add it manually. URL “


Credit. It came from @Maupas54


I use naim streamer I was unaware of another stream I only use the one provided by naim? All works fine no problems here :+1:t2:

JB Radio 2 HD stream with meta data works fine for me.

Really enjoying this station.