Best jokes

Another contribution from the Tiger Lilies.



A young lady, feeling a bit rough after a night out, texts her mum and asks…

Mum I have cum in my hair, how do I get it out.

Her mum says… Im so proud of you feeling that you are able to talk to me about such things but the answer to your question is easy. I have had cum in my hair many many times and getting it out is easy, just shampoo and it washes out in seconds

The daughter replies … oh mum! I’m so sorry, it was a typo, I meant to say gum not cum, hey! But what the hell.


Now they’re in wheelchairs with horrendous arthritis of course. But amazing and spine chilling hyper flexibility.

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Think the few “jokes” here about Meghan and Harry just highlight the issue. None of you know either of them and have no idea of the truth or what they went through. If you think racism or metal health issues are funny it says more about you. The closest you dinosaurs will get is an episode of The Crown or Love Your Neighbour.

@Richard.Dane how come these haven’t been removed.


Hear, hear Pete. Just seen these so called ‘jokes’. Funnily enough, saw a tribute documentary to Caroline Aherne earlier this evening, which included a clip of Mrs Merton‘s i/v of Bernard Manning, His so called ‘humour’ was on the same level.

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What an extraordinary rant @Pete_the_painter – unless some have been removed, the only jokes I can see on here are about Meghan’s dress, one about postage stamps and another about who wears the trousers in that relationship. Nothing about race, or mental health. H&M are public figures so what’s wrong with jokes about them?

I hope @Richard.Dane ignores your rather high-handed request.


Language a bit racy on this one, so please remove if necessary… I post because it’s a favourite of mine…

New Picture


Humour is a very personal thing .
I don’t care for “jokes” featuring obscenities such as the last line of the recent peanuts cartoon .
I don’t care for “jokes” about semen in someone’s hair .
I do like “jokes” poking fun at politicians but there are not allowed on this forum .
I think Richard Dane has a very difficult job to do and I’m glad I do not have to do it .
If any of the “jokes” I have posted offend others then I’m sorry for that.
We all need an opportunity to raise a smile in these awful days .


Pete, as I have said before, I cannot be trawling through the jokes thread trying to decide what constitutes a joke and what is potentially offensive - apart, of course, from anything that obviously breaches forum rules. People who are in the public eye or who actively seek publicity are usually considered fair game for a degree of satire or mockery. However, if any of the “jokes” here are found offensive by the members, then please flag them to moderators, preferably explaining why.


Richard can you please message me.

Well said! I could not agree more.

I hear you and respect your views although I firmly believe you ought not be sorry for anyone taking offense at any of the jokes you have posted. I doubt you would post something purposefully inflammatory in order to instigate or wantonly tread on anyone’s sensibilities. That said, I believe tolerance should be extended to ‘jokes’ not necessarily one’s cup of tea.

I am however cognizant that my upload included some choice wording, perhaps not becoming of gentlemanly behaviour and will request it removed if @Richard.Dane deems it appropriate. If this is the case, I apologise to him for the inconvenience.


Bud, as for any other post on this thread, if any member takes offence at it then it will likely be removed.

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Totally agree


I think that they are all dead - at least two are. I can’t find any mention of arthritis or wheelchairs, happily.

It was good to see that one of my jokes made it into the complaining bin. I also notice as well that another has been recently removed. I have no problem with either response. Maybe we can start a competition and see who gets the most complaints or deletions. (And for those without a sense of humour, thats was a joke)
I admit I have a slightly off kilter sense of humour but I mean no offence and will continue to post what find funny for as long as I’m allowed to.
Richard does a great job on here but surely we can all help him by just ignoring what we don’t like and move on.


Don’t we all just have a right to be offended? If you don’t like the joke, just ignore it. I think it’s a bit silly that we’re even having this discussion. And it’s not just that tastes and senses of humour differ, but also that they’re jokes!

As long as they’re clearly a joke I don’t see why it should be removed whether I like it or am offended by it or not.

If you ever think someone is not joking and seriously trying to offend someone, that’s a different matter IMO. But pictures like the above I don’t see how there’s any doubt.


I would go even further and say jokes should never be removed because one person is offended. That is the way to the madness where one person can claim to be offended and censor what we read and see. The rights we enjoy today to write and read what we like without censorship were hard earned over centuries . I find many peoples opinions , sense of humour and political stances to be offensive but I would never for one second want to remove their right to air them. It takes a lot to make my blood boil but this mornings thread has done the trick.
And for the record , I found Harry’s comments that he had been forced to rely on an inheritance to buy his mansion in California and seemingly finding it an outrage that he had his funding cut off when he decided to end his royal duties ( his job) to be absolutely deserving of jokes and piss taking .


Well said
I agree 100% with your comments