Best jokes

That seems to be a down home issue in the twittersphere doesn’t it? And one in danger now of flooding other media based interaction.

Dare one call someone out for their poor behaviour, lack of humility, high levels of chutzpah, terrible dress sense, their delight of soft focus, panning shots and lift muzak or even their appalling acting skills and yet acknowledge rascism and mental health are both global issues that need more attention, without being branded rascist and uncaring?


Fly walks into a bar and asks, “Is this stool taken?”


Woodworm walks into a bar and asks, “Is the bartender here?”


A little girl walks into a pet shop and asks for a bunny.
“A fluffy white one or a fluffy brown one” replies the owner

“I don’t think my python really cares” replies the little girl.

( I do hope my joke does not offend the self-appointed forum police …active usually overnight)


Apparently Piers Morgan has left GMB over his Meghan comments.

I had no idea he was a member.


I think we all know what type of member he is.





My nine year old grand daughter thought this was very good


I think my youngest granddaughter would burst into tears! But she’s only 8.

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Nope. Not getting it. :thinking:


The annual ruler-twanging World championships are being held in the Dordogne region of France this year.


I got there in the end!

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Nope, me neither

Bob Swartz was stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and was asked where he was going at that time of night.

Bob replied, “I’m on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.”

The officer asked, “Really? Who’s giving that lecture at this time of night?”

Bob replied, "That would be my wife.




It looks like they now have been removed. What an incredibly sad and disappointing state of affairs. Looking at the likes on your, mine and Kevster’s posts it’s clearly a tyranny of a few that prevails over the many.

@Richard.Dane Can you please provide guidelines / add to the policy so we all know what can and cannot be posted? Then at least it will be clear for everyone and these kinds of discussions and seemingly random acts of censorship can be prevented.


It’s called “moderation” n-lot. I wish it were not necessary, however…

I have reiterated on many occasions what the moderation policy is for the “best jokes” thread. As there is a such a diversity of ethnicity, background, culture here, and what may well be deemed funny by some may well be seen as quite the opposite, or indeed quite offensive by others, then, barring any so-called jokes that may either breach forum rules, or that are deemed incontrovertibly unacceptable by the mods, it’s otherwise down to you the members to ultimately decide for yourselves. The only way it can work is that any member can flag up a joke as unacceptable and there’s a high likelihood that it will be removed. After all, it’s a hifi forum first and foremost, but always remember that it also has Naim’s name to it…


We went out to a local comedy club a few years back, and there were two warm-up acts before the headliner came on. Both of the first budding comedians give a 20 minute delivery of quite tasteless lines, completely riddled with all of the absolute worst profane words you can think of. Not even infused with a speck of intelligent humor. I had no idea there was so many big di** jokes. They actually made the people we were with a tad uncomfortable.
When the headliner came on … I think his name was Horowitz, he gave an hour of mostly very funny and clever, stories and situations, and he might have used the word sh** 5 or 10 times.

My point here, is just to say that when the only humor that is targeted in a joke, comic, or story, is that of strongly profane words; then chances are, they are there in place of cleverness and fun humor.
To put it another way, I don’t scroll through this thread with my daughter anymore, to find something daily or weekly to laugh at.
I’m not a prude by any stretch, and considering that everyone on this forum (well almost everyone), are clever and intelligent enough to be Naim enthusiasts, we may find it to be a bit of a ‘tough room’ at times.

Derek & Clive, Jerry Sadowitz, George Carlin and Richard Pryor - among others – would like a word…