Best jokes

Gawd, the dullest most boring acronym ever. It’s universally known yet every time it’s used in the media it has to be explained again, as if the writer has just had a flash of inspiration and come up with it there and then. Its one benefit is to flag any article containing it as probably dull, cliched and generally a whinge against cyclists, so it does have one use.

I’m no size 8 and never will be again but 40 miles in jeans and T shirt is a non starter.

Indeed. Wear the right gear, in this case old clothes that are suitable for the job in hand.


Since you ask, yes. I fully sympathise with the advantages of padded cycling shorts in the interests of comfort, but I’ve never wished for a lycra top in preference to a T-shirt. Your mileage clearly varies ad that’s fine.

The only people I tut at in the supermarket are people who get in other people’s way. I might inwardly wonder what some people were thinking when they got dressed that morning, but that’s as far as I get.

Now I’ve answered the questions aimed at me, has anyone got any jokes?



You show me a T shirt that has elasticated pockets to securely hold phone, keys and a snack bar (lycra shorts have no pockets) AND can also wick away sweat rather than retaining it all and becoming a vile soggy sticky shirt AND doesn’t flap in the wind and I’ll wear it.

Sorry to bang on but that mix of smugness and sneering when referring to blokes trying to remain or get fit does my 'ead in. Presumably to avoid you having to see such awful sights anyone with a BMI > (int)$AcceptableValue should either stick to cycling short distances in togs that you deem acceptable, or just stay at home out of your sensitive way. Personally I’m quite relaxed about sticking the evidence of my very enjoyable thanks lifestyle into lycra shirt & shorts and knocking out 3 hours on the nice bike; as above it’s for my benefit not yours.

Why did the chicken cross the road? To create an opportunity for an unexpected logic twist, clever wordplay or a simple pun that may slightly amuse the reader.


With apologies for repeating myself, your mileage clearly varies and that’s fine. You say you’re quite relaxed about it, yet the tone of your replies very much suggests otherwise. I really don’t think it’s worth getting upset about - I’m sure all the cycling has got your blood pressure down, so surely there’s no point increasing it.

Now, as I say, anyone got any jokes?



The moral of the past few posts in this thread is simple: don’t cycle.


Or use a stationary bicycle until you look decent in lycra. No sense inflicting the results of poor life choices on ones fellow man. Same thing for gym tights worn as leisure wear by those who probably ought to be more active.

Having been raised on, “if you’ve nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself” I’d respond with, “if you’ve nothing nice to show, keep it to yourself” too.


No male looks good in cycling shorts. The choices are “bad” and “not bad”. My standards for women are more generous, but I digress.

I look like the dog in the photo. I cycle in cycling shorts despite what I look like. Knowing that I am not wearing them for the admiration, edification or amusement of others makes it easier.


Endura ‘baggy’ shorts. Padded insert to boot. Water resistant. Or for the fashionistas, Fox Camo…
More flattering for the, erm, male figure. In winter, lycra longs are good underneath.

Once I went baggy, especially as I got older and shaved my legs less often, I never looked back.



GoPro has a lot to answer for.



Hammer Time!


I used to have a Sat Nav that could do that to a person too!

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In Ye (Really) Olden Days, there was a PC program called something like “Autoroute”. If you instructed it to plot a route between Portsmouth and Bournemouth, it took you via two ferries and the Isle of Wight! It was lower mileage than driving via Southampton and the motorway…

Provided a moment of “told you so” amusement when I demonstrated this to the company reps at a trade show.

However our Garmin SatNav, has been known to direct our large Audi down single track roads, especially in Provence! There’s nothing quite like meeting Monsieur le Fermier in his tractor; “Je m’excuse, mais je n’ai pas de marche arrière”. (apologies to FR for my poor French).

I remember Autoroute, and I’m sure I saw the route you’re talking of shown on TV, and made fun of too! Good luck with the Audi on those narrow lanes!

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Maybe we need a new thread…“Show us your Lycra cycling gear”.

Or perhaps that would that be a “step too far” on a family friendly website.

Anyway folks, this is getting OT, and the forum police will be taking an unhealthy interest. Back to the jokes please…


I would rather have a thread called, “For the good of humanity, please don’t post pictures of yourself in Lycra gear.’
I used it when I rode regularly, because it works and does the job it is supposed to. It is not a pleasant look and I didn’t make it look any better.


Interesting to see a good old fashioned dose of fat-shaming going on here, with the not so subtle requests to either stay in or if we must go out at least cover yourself up properly. I’d like to say I didn’t realise that some of the contributors on here appear to have the mentality of teenage boys but hand on heart I realised I did, some time ago. But thanks for the eye-opener of seeing what women are subjected to almost on a daily basis - if you don’t look perfect there are enough blokes around who will call you out for failing to live up to their ideal. Interesting, and y’know, not that surprising.

If you think I’m going to jettison some v nice (and pricey) bib shorts for baggies or stay in in case some bozo might be put out a little bit at the sight of my paunch, tough. Yet again - cycling in the kit of my choice is for my benefit, not yours. If the sight of a grown man with fabulous legs, nice pert buttocks and muscular shoulders but a stomach that reflects a love of nice wine & good food offends you, tough. You stay in. I’m not.


Blimey, what’s happened to the jokes thread?

Doesn’t seem very funny.


Every so often one appears that raises more than just a weak smile, albeit mainly of recognition. A quick scroll back up the thread reveals quite good jokes at posts 6070, 6035, 6024 and 5971. The rest are poor, old hat, obvious a mile off or at least from the opening gambit, or are weak attempts at making a point under the guise of a joke or cartoon.

What’s for dessert?
(classic line from a movie when the arguments go too far…)

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