Best jokes


That joke works better if you say Brexit jokes and Brexiteer instead of Swedes.

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Was that a joke?

Err no. Not actually a joke. Or maybe. Who knows? Who cares?

But then your’s wasn’t actually a joke as such, was it? More a racist nonsense than anything.

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Hmmm, yeah of course …

Ethnic humour is quite common on here - but I haven’t noticed you complaining about that in the past …

What did you think of the prior entry then?

You mean the one that mentions Moses? I thought that was funny actually. I doubt that Jewish people would take offence and that’s my point.

Well, I really don’t see what the issue is with Swedish ethnic jokes … would you have objected if it were Irish, rather than Swedish?

My wife bought some Meatloaf themed knickers yesterday.
On the front it says…“I would do anything for love”…
And the back… “But I won’t do that”


The Padded Cell is fantastic for observers of human nature. The diversity of views shouldn’t be surprising, given the only thing most have in common is ownership of / an interest in a brand of hifi. Recent comments made by two or three in this thread are staggering in their pomposity. I honestly thought such narrow mindedness had died with Mary Whitehouse! Now it appears that ‘racism’ has joined sex as ammunition for the sanctimonious kill joys. Next thing is we’ll all be investigated for incitement of hate crime!


But aren’t you being slightly pompous and sanctimonious yourself? Just a bit?

Sadly many “ethnic jokes” just tickle a neurotic itch…

There! I’ve gone and done it again!


What’s the difference between snot & beetroot?

Kids will eat snot …


I had a ploughman’s lunch the other day. Then he punched me.


Did you hear about the Mexican firefighting brothers? They called Hose A and Hose B.



An escaped convict breaks into a house and ties up the young couple he finds in there. When the convict leaves the room to look for some beer, the husband turns to his wife and whispers, “ honey, this guy hasn’t seen a women in years. Just co-operate with anything he wants. If he wants sex with you, just go along with it and pretend you like it”. “Darling”, says his wife, “I’m so glad you feel that way - he just told me he thinks you’re really cute”.


A civil servant goes to his doctor with a sleep problem. “ I get to sleep at night”, says the civil servant, “and mornings are ok, but I’m having trouble dropping off in the afternoon”.


If it’s sanctimonious to be mildly critical of sanctimony then I suppose you’re right. Hey ho, life’s a bitch (oops, misogyny & sexism!).


WHAT happens when you drop a duck egg?

It quacks.


Orion’s Belt is a big waist of space.


Thanks Ray

Unfortunately I don’t seem to have the same options as yourself

Richard confirmed I did not have this facility. It is shame as it would have been very useful