Best jokes

There are people at work who won’t use the Dyson driers - they say it circulates previous person’s germs that were presumably washed off…scary indeed!

Some don’t even flush - can never work out if they’re saving water or just plain nasty…yick.

Perhaps not as bad as those you see coming out of a cubicle and walking straight out without washing their hands.


Those Dyson airblades are the most hopeless urinals I have ever used



Dare I ask if there is any evidence for this claim, or is it just random ‘looks like it to me’ science?

I’ve no idea whether this is foil-hat territory or not - some people at work are near-inhabitants of Conspiracy Land…

He can guide us towards the right direction, but will it be on time ?


How do you dry your hands when you have your fingers in your ears?


Pardon, what did you say!!!


Sh1t is particulate… All I need to know.

true, but they are pretty good at blowing jobs.

From some dog loving friends …


From an old school mate, whose puns have seen better days …


Or, as I have witnessed, coming out whilst eating a sandwich and not washing hands either!

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Dunno about germs, but there may be some truth in it. When I was an apprentice mechanic playing pranks like stuffing a compressed airline down someones trousers or blasting them in the face was a definite Health & Safety issue. Apparently the force of the compressed air can drive oil, grease etc under the surface of the skin leading to infections, dermatitis etc

Cant honestly say I suffered any lasting problem


At the beginning of the UK lockdowns last April I saw a paramedic leave a hospital lavatory and walk straight out, this was in Jimmies hospital in Leeds, I had to do a double take!

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I think I might have said something to him/her, seriously!

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I know mate, should have but was kind of shocked at the thought after all those early warnings from the government , then he was gone!

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Covid c0ck? Not heard of that before…

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