Best jokes

Has anyone spotted an April Fool in todays Daily Mail?

They are usually quite good but do tend to stick out like a sore thumb. A quick skim through this morning, but nothing leapt out at me.

Please refrain from criticising my choice of newspaper. Have read it for near on 60 years. I buy it for the Fred Basset cartoon…

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(I apologise for the incorrect use of “there” instead of “their”. I didn’t write the caption.)



Yeah, yeah - 'course you do.

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Surely buying a copy of the Daily Mail counts as an April Fool?


Fred must be getting on a bit. He was wagging his tail when I was a kid.

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Born 1959 according to Google.

Sadly, I pre-date him by 4 years!

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But how long have you been wagging your tail?

I thought the ‘fall of the angels’ was supposed to have happened sometime before 4004BC

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I might be the same School year.

Condemned by your own words…

The one in the middle looks like Harry Kane……….

That’ll teach him to miss that penalty!

The one in the middle - that is Charlton and not Bobby.

I don’t recall ever seeing Jackie sporting a beard. And I must have seen him when LU visited The Dell - although it would have been over half a century ago; Oh Buqqer - it’s a real sh1t getting old!

When I was a kid visiting family on the west coast of Ireland for my summer holidays, a lot of the farmhouses on the Mayo coast had religious triptychs on the wall, the Sacred Heart a large picture in the centre, and saints or angels flanking that.
I didn’t see it myself, but there were pictures in the Irish papers in the ‘80s of houses with the triptych with Jack Charlton having replaced one of the saints.

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That joke was also referenced in one of the TV episodes of Dr. Who, where having saved Pompeii (OK, so bits of it) icons of himself and the TARDIS replaced the “House Gods” in the home of the Romans he helped.

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Maybe so, but it’s better than the alternative.




Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
Philosophy is wondering whether that makes tomato sauce a smoothie.
Common sense is knowing that tomato sauce is not a smoothie.