Best jokes

You will have to Wait until February the 2nd to hear it again and again…

What’s the worst combination of illnesses ?

Alzheimer’s and Diarrhoea ?

You’re running, but you can’t remember where.

Spectrophobia and Dyslexia ?

Fear of Goats.

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Exactement, Monty Python is a classic British comedy institution that is beyond the understanding of anyone outside GB, however some understanding is appreciated in the Antipodes & other ex colonial regions. European mainland & the rest of the world has no idea & is beyond any hope of ever understanding its sublty

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I enjoyed a lot the two first Monty Python ( sacré graal and Brian’s life).
Not the third one, the meaning of my post. The third one was more on the « prout prout « side.

I don’t understand your focus on my person. A lot of people here use pictures / copy and paste. I see about 400 hundred since the beginning of the thread. So sorry, I will continue.

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The thread title is ‘Best Jokes’, not ‘Any Joke because I have to contribute anything I can find to remind people that (I think) I have a sense of humour’.


If cartoon is not an appropriate thread, how about renaming this one humour?

I admire people who have the ability to concoct an amusing or witty Bon mot or phrase. But perhaps most of us stumble on other people’s creations; however, whoever creates them, if they raise a smile or a laugh out loud, why not share them?


Couldn’t agree more, think some people are getting a bit precious. If you don’t like it, flick past and move on.


A guy gets shipwrecked and washes up on a beach.

The sand is dark red. He can’t believe it. The sky is dark red. He walks around a bit and sees there is dark red grass, dark red birds and dark red fruit on the dark red trees. He’s shocked when he finds that his skin is starting to turn dark red, too.

“Oh no!” he says. “I’ve been marooned!”


Best jokes are very subjective. Nobody can affirm that the joke he is posting is among the best. A lot here didn’t received a like, but it’s not a problem. They tried.

@Camphuw Your cut and pastes are usually funny and we get just one or two a day, which is fine. I mostly enjoy them! And most of the others posted here by other people too.

What I was objecting to was the sudden arrival in the thread of one poster who flooded the thread with lots of pastes that mostly weren’t funny at all. I know that is mostly all he does wherever he goes, but it got past annoying to me yesterday.




I’ve had a lot of leaflets though the letterbox over the last few weeks, each full of promise, all offering very different – and sometimes tempting – visions of the future. There are a lot of numbers to try and think about, and costs (and consequences) to consider.

Are they true, are they fake, can they really deliver?

But after a long and often challenging exchange of views with my other half, and a lot of personal soul searching, I’ve finally made my mind up.

I’ll get a takeaway pizza tonight.


You had something against me, it’s your problem man. Apparently you don’t like my jokes, but you can’t say I flooded this thread, because other gave me many likes.
So just scroll my post, you are able to do that my honey.



Come on folks, cut some slack for the frenchrooster
He can’t help it, he’s French, and it seems he’s learning. I enjoy FRs contributions and in a couple of years he might be funny. :nerd_face:


… can’t wait …


That’s the funniest joke yet.


Be patient


I agree that I can’t really help here. French humor is different, the language is a barrier too . But no reason for other to be nasty.
It’s not a British forum, so anyone is allowed to contribute as he can.