Best jokes

Good idea @Camphuw perhaps @frenchrooster should start it up.


Sadly I find ALL the cut and paste work a little tiresome, not just this thread.


Hi CBR600, I agree.

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If it puts a smile on my face then I’m happy to see it, irrespective of the format.


I just followed some others here. Tobyjug, Camphuw, Jamie, Thevesler, Stephen… So are all invited to start another thread?

Is it not a copy and paste from you ?

C’est très fin ! I am surprised by such spirit.

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My preferred one is from Camphuw. Difficult to make without the picture.

It is. I include my own cut & paste contributions in my comment that they are somewhat tiresome.

Yes Don, but the one you posted was funny, very funny.

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This is a copy and a paste job. Although it’s a copy of a gogh copying the pasting of that banana, instead an ear.
Not exactly a joke at its best, but somewhat making interesting light over contemporary follies.



Very prout prout, as we say in French.

Sorry FR, nothing like it, thats just basic kids playground level,
Don’s was more than the drawing, the words had the joke.

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The words made the joke too here. For me it’s the same kids playground joke, to repeat your terms.

Case closed. Hahaha

The recent comments on this thread are vaguely familiar… :grin:


I suspect Don and Mike to be more on the decadent side of the Monty Python movies…

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I agree,looking at another thread,FR has done his best to court controversy,not on his own I hasten to add.It would be a shame if this thread,which is supposed to be humorous,deteriorated into a slanging match between several contributors which ,in all honesty amounts to handbags at five paces!
Let’s all enjoy the community!


Which is the thread you refer? As you cited me, I am curious. Was it the Greta thread ?
I didn’t want anymore to deteriorate this thread, until some critisized me.
Some liked my posts some didn’t. But I didn’t begun to be nasty personally.

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