Best jokes

Just been on a diabetes awareness website and it asked me if I accept cookies.


Sorry, don’t understand. You shall say once what ? My venerable Tony.

You was probably referring to that. Can’t find what is funny here, but I am not English…


Not wishing to repeat myself, but the problem is not just on the joke topic.🤦


Ohhhhh Rene!!
I have yet to meet a French person who understands this.
Officer Crabtree will certainly cause confusion. :joy:

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Is it a sarcasm on french people involved during the second world war ?

I wouldn’t call it sarcasm, just British humour.


Ok, i will be an another person to not understand this « I shall you repeat once ».

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FR … do an internet search for ‘Allo Allo’, watch an episode then come back with your thoughts. :+1:

I watched it, my link is even above. Apart the French - English accent of the French women, I don’t understand the humor.

If that clip is all you watched then you will never understand what the show is all about. You need to watch a full 1/2 hour episode. :+1:

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My god! It’s my punishment?

Not at all. It’s your choice. :+1:

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Don’t worry FF. it was crap humour, typical of the time. Racist, sexist, mysogynist, we lead the World back then.


I prefer not to like your post, don’t want to create another negative posts. And honestly I don’t know really what to think of that allo allo video.
It seems to laugh of french people, specially women involved in the french Resistance during the war. However I am not personally proud of France during that time.
Fortunately I am polish.

This where you are showing that you do not understand this brand of Brit humour.
‘Allo ‘Allo is not joking against the French, if anything it’s endearing towards France in those difficult times. It’s endearing the ‘small town’ france, the local cafe community, the family & it’s ‘relationships’, the resistance movement (deep respect) & the politics & play with the occupying Germans. All this done in a typically traditional british amateur theatrical ‘farce’ genre. Look up farce, I believe it’s a French origin


Classic Scottish Humour!-- Just click on the link


Pure dead brilliant, ken. :joy:

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