Best jokes

Mike say it’s “endearing towards” France. I agree but to extend the thought, it’s affectionate to France and to the way that ordinary French people in adversity got one over on the portrayed incompetent and bungling German occupation. Notably the humour is not particularly anti-German.

None of it was supposed to be real, any more than Faulty Towers was supposed to represent all small hotels in Torquay. There is a dollop of truth and a large splosh of caricature, like in a lot of simple humour. And I suspect not just British humour.




This motel air conditioner has seen some things…


An archaeological dig in Dublin has uncovered a skeleton thought to be that of a man from the Bronze age.

An RTE reporter asked the leader of the dig if they had any idea how he might have died.

“Well,” he said, "judging by the 3 tons of soil we lifted off him, I’d say suffocation”.



Not really a joke, but a funny pic showing how french people are seen by english people.

You have some very strange ideas about this FR, first you seem overly obsessed by it & second its mostly completely incorrect.

If you see above, I posted some pics about how french people see english people. So I wanted to share the opposite way.
Nothing about obsession Doctor.

I you find last post mostly completely incorrect, tell us. However it’s just a light caricature, nothing scientific done by social sciences researches. Relax.

It’s not funny & can cause offence & I doubt anyone needs me to tell them why.

I would say that 5 are true: smoking hard, wine, baguette, stinky cheese( I love it) and rude and poor service.
Oh lala is rarely said, frogs are very rarely eaten, a bit escargots, black beret and striped tee shirt is ridiculous.

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When the new forum opened, the Padded Cell initially contained nothing but the Brexit thread, and I opened this one to lighten things up a bit. So please keep the jokes coming, I think we could all do without these bickering sessions that keep on cropping up. If you feel that something is inappropriate, maybe just flag it and move on rather than dragging the whole thread down into the mire. I’m sure @Richard.Dane is more than capable of dealing with things from there.


I’ve removed some posts from overnight. I will remind members that should you find any post generally offensive, a personal attack, or in breach of forum rules, then please just flag it up for me. Responding in kind (or not so kind) is not the best course of action as it just escalates in a most unedifying way and reflects poorly on the community here as a whole.

Needless to say, no, this post is not a joke. Thank you.


Actually if you look at the website that the picture comes from,, then you will see that this cartoon has been produced to illustrate the many stereotypes that exist so that she can at length, as a foreigner living in France, explain in her blog what rubbish the stereotypes are. It’s worth a read, but it’s a long one. Anyway she doesn’t suggest that English people do see French people as being like that.




Walken in a Winter Wonderland


I agree

I’ve just seen an advert for a Naim Muso for sale for £1 which has the volume stuck on full.

I said to myself, ‘you can’t turn that down’.


I know it’s a stereotype. It was the reason of my post, to compare the stereotypes on english people ( I have before posted) vs on french people.
As I said, it’s funny to see some stereotypes, without saying it’s a big funny joke however.

FR, mon amie, one of the risks with these stereotype pictures is that it can very easily stray into other nations, scottish, irish, polish… its a very thin line before it drifts into arab, muslim, jewish … & that is somewhere were no one want to go.

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It’s very light, no insulting, no religious or political. Be assured, I don’t want to follow it however.

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Can we please revert to the “Best Jokes” now?


YES but just as long as they qualify as best jokes …

I was going to bed last evening when I noticed a light on in the garden shed.
I opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.
I phoned the police, who asked me ‘Is there someone actually in your house?’
I had to reply ‘no.’
The police said 'OK, please don’t worry; we are very busy & all cars are on a call. But as they are in the shed and you are in the house, you are safe. Just lock the house door securely & an officer will be with you in the morning’

I hung up, counted to 30 & phoned the police again.
‘Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don’t have to worry about them now because I just shot them.’ … & hung up.

Within 5 minutes six police cars, a SWAT Team, a helicopter, two fire trucks, a paramedic team & ambulance showed up & caught the burglars in my shed red-handed.
The chief Inspector said ‘I thought you said you’d shot them!’
I said ‘I thought you said there was nobody available!’

MORAL = Don’t Mess With Old Folks