Best jokes

I recognise this is a jokes thread, but on a serious note…

If anyone knows of any lonely old people who may be eating Christmas dinner alone because they have no friends or close family, could you let me know. I need to borrow a few chairs. Thanks.



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I think yes.

If you think back to when dating commenced, the first year would have been ‘1’, but ‘1 year’ would not have been achieved/passed until the end of ‘1’. Ergo, the end of the Millennium was the end of 2000.

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Agree that this is technically right but by convention that’s not how the system has worked ever since…

He’s on his way but stuck in traffic on the road to hell .

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This is not a joke, but made me laugh. Shallow depth of field puts baby’s face in focus, and blurs the parents and background, nice. Only ‘someone’ has then decided that Megan’s face should be sharp as a button!



So at some point, we all decided that counting to nine was the same as counting to 10? That’s not a convention we’ve adopted here at Chateau Bhoyo.

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Maybe not but the rest of the world celebrated the Millenium on 1st Jan 2000 making the year 2000 the first one of the new Millenium and by extension the first year of the new decade.

Personally I agree with your line of reasoning but most of the rest of the world doesn’t accept this way of defining dates…


It’s all terribly confusing, this business of dates.

Something happened in the middle of the 18th Centuary. I have to think very carefully. Does this mean it happend around 1750, or 1850 or 1950 ???

And now I understand that people are messing with BC and AD. Like, somebody mentioned BCE recently ??

And I noticed a few archeologists dating artifacts as 8,000 years ago, rather than 6,000 BC. This means I have to look at the date of the publication to know how old something is, rather than simply add 6,000 years to today’s date !

It’s all one big joke !


It’s fun being out of step with the rest of world, especially if you’re as contrary as I am. :earth_americas: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I keep singing Diamonds are Forever around the home and winking at my wife. That way the car mats will be an even bigger surprise.


From the Tiger Lilies - a Christmas message …


Ha! I just read that out to my wife, who almost choked on her coffee with laughter.

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‘allo ,allo is a spoof of one of those tedious BBC wartime dramas (now surpassed by even more tedious historical costume drama). It supposedly made fun of all the included national stereotypes British, French, German and Italian. I found some of it funny, but it went on for far too many episodes.

Of course, it is not in the same class as the funniest films of all time: La Grande Vadrouille, Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot, Oh Mr Porter and Ask a Policeman.


Michael Buerk on watching Philippa Forrester cuddle up to a male astronomer for warmth during BBC1’s UK eclipse coverage remarked:
‘They seem cold out there, they’re rubbing each other and he’s only come in his shorts.’

Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots at the Scottish Open:
'Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny, other weeks he prefers to do it by hand’


MY WIFE just told me I was delusional…

I nearly fell off my unicorn.



Thanks to the Tiger Lilies … this is where I went wrong.

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