Best jokes

I have that exact card on my wall at work. It’s slightly ironic, since I sing carols myself and enjoy them, but it’s still funny.


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I went to a new zoo today and was very disappointed as they only had one small dog on show It was a Shihtzu.


That must be the 20th telling of that one here.




:small_blue_diamond:It’s just to note,.that some from the UK,.or others are incredibly prudish.
I put in a very funny joke picture yesterday (according to me and others),.now someone has flagged it
I got it from Jimmy Doherty,.who is from Ireland.
He had put it on a Naim facebook-group page. There it was much appreciated :+1:t2:.

But it seems to be a difference,.between whether one from the UK puts in a picture.
Mike-B added a few months ago in a picture,.of a woman with completely bare breasts.
You could see everything,.of both her naked breasts.
That picture remain in the thread…!!!

I put in a picture,.where a woman dips her breasts into the water,and two fish looked at them.
You could not see her whole breasts.
You see about as much of her breasts,.as if a woman has a little open blouse.

But then some sensitive individuals react…
O My God…do we live in the 2020s,.or the 18th-century. Incredibly childish.

•I begin to think about the discussion earlier in the thread against @frenchrooster,.where some from the UK seemed to want to decide what is funny or not.
And what should be allowed to remain in the thread.

Some seem to forget that this is an International Forum,.where everyone has to accept what others think is funny.

Ps: The last two pictures,.No 1392 and 1393.
I don’t understand what’s funny about them,.but I’m not flagging them.
I wouldn’t even think about the idea of doing it

:santa:t2: I finish by posting a picture of Santa. Which finally is finished with Christmas’s work,.and gets some vacation…




I doubt if it’s anything to do with people being British or otherwise. You seem too keen to jump to conclusions that are unjustified.

Most of us here have had posts flagged, including myself. I just accept that others, regardless of religion, race, gender, country of origin or country of residence might have views that differ from mine. I just live with it usually and move on. I don’t complain when one of my posts has been flagged.

But I accept, that in responding to yourself on this occasion. I haven’t moved on.

And for the avoidance of any doubt, it wasn’t myself who flagged your post. I saw it. It didn’t offend me. But I didn’t think it was funny, just a bit pathetic really.



:small_blue_diamond: Hi Don…

On my forum,.no joke has Ever been flagged,we accept each other’s jokes and move on.
But there seem to be some more sensitive souls here :wink:.

We accept that what some people think is pathetic,.it laughs others at the whole entire evening.
Different countries,.different cultures and also different generations.
But I have notice,.that some people here find it difficult to accept jokes they do not understand.

I mentioned earlier the criticism of @frenchrooster,.and we know from which geographical direction that criticism came.
•And,.which someone also wrote,it was as close to bullying as you can get.
On my forum,.I had taken a conversation with some people about this.

Ps: In Sweden,.where we are used to freedom of expression and democracy,we “highlights” things in that we react to.
This regardless of hierarchical cultures.

•Again,.different countries,different cultures and different generations.
We also have to live with,.and accept this here,because it is part of our Swedish culture😉.
And then it doesn’t matter to me,.how many people from the UK etc,who “like” your latest post.

Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

Well Peder,

In the UK, (where we are also used to freedom of expression and democracy), some of us, from time to time, also highlight things that we react to. Regardless of hierarchical cultures. And that is precisely what I did above and am doing in this post.

You seem to take offense at incredibly trivial things far too quickly. But you don’t seem to like it when others respond to you likewise.

Now, for much of the time, many of us in the UK (myself included) consider it polite to refrain from robustly highlighting things that we react to. Perhaps it was my time spent working for the highway agency in Sweden back in 1967 that makes me slightly different.


Just a note to you, I’m not English and I didn’t flag but am not surprised it was. It wasn’t funny, just tasteless.


Sometimes i feel like that it is a WASP old guys Club

Not that i am young but not WASP, so no offence to old guys…

Gang up againts swedish and french friends…

Despite the push outside they are still here and active, i salute them and Find their jokes funny



Oh dear,

There isn’t any “ganging up”.

But when people “complain” and in doing so identify others as the problem, well … from time to time, a bit of plain speaking is in order. Including your own contribution.

…back to the “Best jokes”


:small_blue_diamond: Hi again Don…

Absolutely not,.I just react with surprise to things that you don’t seem to “accept”.
But as no one in Sweden would bother to react to.

And,.if someone treats,or answers me rudely…it has only happened on this forum,.not on any other forum.
Then you get a reaction from me,.you can be 100% sure of that.

I have never been so rudely treated anywhere,.as by some on this forum.
And if that happens,.then I ‘hit back’,as I said.

So Don,.we might have two completely different images of reality,perhaps depending on…
different countries,different cultures and different generations.

:small_blue_diamond:And here we have the Generation-differences I mentioned earlier.
In 1967,.I was only 12 years old :wink::grin:.





An elderly couple are attending church. About halfway through the vicar’s sermon, the wife leans over and whispers in her husband’s ear, “I just let out a silent fart; now i’m trying not to giggle!”
The husband replies, “You need a new battery in your hearing aid.”


:small_blue_diamond:As I said before,.different countries,different cultures,.different generations.

Some from Ireland and Sweden thought it was fun. And we don’t have any self-appointed judges here I think,.albeit it seems so sometimes (see the criticism of @frenchrooster).


A man walks into a shop and says “can I have a packet of helicopter crisps please?”

The shopkeeper replies “sorry mate, we only have plane”


I thought boutique was funny too but I’m pretty sure you didn’t see the humour in that. Think we all need to just consider others before we post, it is an international forum

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Eh, I can assure you not everyone from Ireland found it funny, perhaps some 12 year olds somewhere did. Bad taste has no borders.