Best jokes

:small_blue_diamond:I don’t know if you have the ability to read between the lines of what’s written.Not everyone has it.

But those who used that word,.did so for a diminishing and ridicule purpose.
Nick.Lees reacted and described it best in that thread.
If you’re going to have a good discussion,.it’s not a good thing to make use of diminishing words, It doesn’t usually take the discussion forward…or how.

/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Peder,

You posted a pretty pathetic joke, at least IMHO, and I’m entitled to express my view.

One or two people liked it. A few of us have subsequently said it was tasteless or pathetic, or whatever. Somebody or perhaps more thought it was inappropriate, and flagged it.

You are not the authority as to what is or isn’t a best joke, and neither am I.

Get over it. It isn’t an international crisis !



:small_blue_diamond::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking: And where have I written it.?

I wrote,.“Some from Ireland”,you have to read properly before commenting.
It was Jimmy Doherty from Ireland,.who put it into a Naim facebook-group.
I don’t know exactly,.but Jimmy is over 60 years old,not 12 years old.
But very good that he is young in his mind.


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:small_blue_diamond:But Don,.what do you mean,are you for real.?

It’s you,.and some others here,not me,.who make yourself to some self-appointed judges here.

As I said,.different countries,different cultures and different generations.
And I post exactly what I want,.and just like @frenchrooster,I will continue to do so.

And I think you should do that too,.and if I think your jokes are pathetic.
Yes,.then I promise you to just scroll on.
I will not flag,.comment etc.
Because of all the thousands,.who maybe read the forum without being members,some of them maybe appreciate your joke,even if not I do.

Now I have other things to do,.than do this nonsense.
I have conveyed my message…Thanks.

/Peder :slightly_smiling_face:

I bought Prince’s Greatest Hits box set the other day.

It was 20 quid but I partied like it was £19.99 :partying_face:



How many Daily Mail readers does it take to change a light bulb?

One ( but 300 people will comment claiming they know better or blaming it on immigrants )



Yes, I am for real.

You have complained that others flagged your joke and stated that they must be sensitive individuals. This made you a “self-appointed” judge.

My comment (that I found your joke to be pathetic) was simply a statement of opinion. I am no more a judge than you or anybody else, but I am entitled to express my opinion during a discusion on the subject. I didn’t mention my opinion until I joined this discussion that you started.

I very much doubt if liking or not liking a joke is entirely down to different countries, cultures or generations. Some people like one joke, others like another joke. On this occasion, somebody seems to have had a problem with one of your jokes. It’s not the end of the world.

So, keep posting your jokes, and let’s hope some of them are worthy of the thread title “Best Jokes”


See this threads heading the same way as the Ethernet cables/switches thread,bickering and posturing when there’s really no need,it’s a shame .


Wise words. Wise words.

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A pirate goes to the doctor.

“Ahoy there, Doctor, aaarrrr, I’m worried about the moles I have on my back.”

the doctor has a look and says, “Don’t worry, they’re benign.”

The pirate replies “Count again doctor, there be ten!”


A bra, a car battery and some jump leads walk into a bar.
‘Clear off’ shouts the barman, ‘I’m not serving you. You’re obviously off your tits, and your mates look like they’re about to start something”.


:small_blue_diamond: I’d welcome a reduction in the inappropriate use of bullet points on this forum.


The best news story ever!
The headline’s a grabber, but it just gets better and better even until the very last word…


:small_blue_diamond:Don,…You obviously never give up,.so okey,then we continue this discussion.

But I’m doing it tomorrow,.because as I said,now I definitely have other things to do,.than discuss whether some are “narrow-minded” or not.
So we see each other tomorrow then :roll_eyes:.


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See Lorro’s post about 5 or 6 up and my response.

Just in case anyone thinks this was actually a news story.

From Snopes in 2015:
The report … was just another fabricated clickbait tale from a fake news site (’s disclaimer advises readers that the site publishes the “stupidest, craziest stuff we can find,” and the stuff they “find” is typically made up by them.

It was still funny. Ok, I thought it was funny … :sunglasses:


The lawyer says: “I have some good news and some bad news”

The CEO replies: “I have had an awful day so let’s hear the good news first.”

The lawyer says: “Your wife invested £20,000 in five pictures that are now worth a minimum of £2 million!”

The CEO replies enthusiastically: “Well done, very good news indeed !
You’ve made my day! …now what is the bad news?”

The lawyer answers: “The pictures are of you in bed with your secretary”