Best modern jazz albums from 1969 to 2019

That Will Calhoun LP is great.
Gentle but powerful soundscapes.

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yes, he is not enough known i feel. Pharaoh Sanders and Buster Williams play on this album too.

Yes, it’s beautifully recorded. And a very coherent sound and tone to each track, as the musicians play together.

Currently enjoying it and working at home while it rains outside.

The Les McCann album is great too.

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the track « the lovers » by les mccann is terrific ! i will put it on my turntable this weekend, long time i didn’t listened to it. A psychedelic atmosphere with lots of guitars.

Superb collaboration wit Pat Metheny , Larry Goldings, Elvin Jones, Bill Stewart and Tain Watts.
Only one drummer at a time though.:grinning:

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Yes, that track is the standout.
But the other two tracks are very good as well.

Excellent post - i have always liked the Canterbury Scene with Kevin Ayers, Caravan and the bands you list. Soft Machine were a wonderful band and even though I do not dislike Mr J I do agree with you that the Soft Machine were more innovative before he joined.

time line track just discovered. very fine!

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first track combines Reggae with Jazz and it works!

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Thanks for the reminder. Haven’t played it in years. Very good.

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If you can find a copy of this your hifi will love you for it!


Ron Carter is a great performer, a legend still living. However this album is more bebop or classic jazz than modern jazz. It’s jazz from the 60’s played in 1987.

This Herbie Hancock album, a classic, is from 1965. However it’s already modern jazz. Beautiful.


Late Modern Jazz.


ok Graemeh, it’s always difficult to find the right term. However the thread is about jazz after 1969, because it was a beginning of departure of what was done before. I didn’t choose fusion because it’s a bit restrictive .
Nore jazz rock too. Perhaps contemporary jazz would be more appropriate.

Or simply ‘jazz’?

Anyway, the Carter Moroni pairing is a peach!


I’m not so polar - Ron Carter one day Ornette Coleman the next. It’s all good, depending on mood.

Enjoy the music!


Also. I wouldn’t classify the Carter/Moroni as ‘easy listening jazz’

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Simply ‘jazz’ - i.e the title needn’t have the word ‘modern’ given that you specify post 1969 when ‘modern’ jazz had largely run its course.

Anyway, it’s all academic. Let’s get back to jazz after 1969 - Recommended albums.


i completely misunderstood your term. I thought you said the jazz i was referring was simply jazz as easy jazz or simple mind jazz or something pejorative in any case. The reason of my reaction after.
Because the critics to fusion jazz by purists jazz africionados are in that context.

So very sorry. I took wrongly your post.:face_with_hand_over_mouth::pray:

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