Best place to sell Naim gear?

I have added a Marantz 30n CD player Streamer to the system. I am not keen on ebay or the faceboook, where does everyone sell their unused gear?
Thanks for your input in advance.

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Pink Fish Media.



Or via a dealer. They take a cut but also buyers often prefer a dealer who knows the seller and product history.


I have used Second Hand Audio , I find them reliable .

Good choice on the Marantz by the way


I’ve made an edit to your post to ensure it complies with forum rules.


I’vd bought via HiFi For Sale.

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As per @GraemeH PFM however you can’t sell on their site unless you have been a member for a while and contributed a certain number of posts etc etc

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Ive had little luck selling on PFM. One guy wanted my DAC V1 for less than £300 ( i sold it on ebay for 3 times that, minus fees ). He was a complete time waster. We had a long phone conversation. He said he did not want to negotiate, but expected me to make him an offer. I had already reduced it.


2 hand audio are fantastic.


And also a Naim dealer, if you want to try any part ex. (Hifi sound Stockton, same people same place)


Thanks for everyone’s ideas here, certainly some I have not heard of.

Dare I ask why you dont use eBay? If you are worried, you can always suggest collection only, or only sell in the UK. Typically you get a good class of person buying Naim gear on eBay.

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I plan on using Audiogon though not sure what regions they cover.

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Just checking you’ve referred to this thread:

And thought it through very carefully before deciding to sell any gear, particularly Naim gear? :wink:

I have had so many bad experiences with Ebay, people bidding and not paying, not turning up after they have bought it now to pay on collection, stating that I want coc and they try and pay by PayPal with all the associated scams, just a headache.

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If you deal only with people who have 100% positive rating on Ebay, it tends to go well.

And even then you need to check their feedback carefully.


Yes. I needed the space, honest. I had to chose. V1 or N Dac.

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I’ve been selling on eBay for years, odd idiot now and again but block them.

Always get them to pay first, even if they are collecting, plus the Collection Code works well, never had an issue with that side of things.

Sold plenty of Hi-Fi gear including Naim.



You get all sorts on eBay that’s not to say you don’t get idiots/time wasters on other sites but maybe a more focused audience?

I live in north west and sold my wife’s car on eBay years ago (collection only). The bidding went well until I had to deal with person who won the bidding. They wanted me to drive the car down to London for them :see_no_evil:

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This can and does happen on every site. It’s the luck of the draw when it comes to the individual who sees and answers the ad. It’s part of the equation as to whether you want to sell something yourself or sell it at wholesale to another reseller (dealer).

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