Birding Time, Your local and international patch…

Been interesting around the feeders the last few weeks, I’ve been noticing all the usual garden birds arriving en masse during the summer, whereas normally, individual species would more or less take turns.

For instance sitting outside this morning it was very quiet, nothing at all.

Then everyone came for breakfast at once, the Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long Tails, Goldfinches, Dunnock, Flycatcher and after a while a Robin. When the Robin (and pigeon) arrived, that seemed to be the signal for everyone to leave again. All at once.

It’s a bit like they’ve formed their own small bird gang, travelling the gardens together.

None of them could be arsed to take a look at all the caterpillars on the Box though…


The only ones that gave the box caterpillars a-going over was the odd flock of Starlings, too few and far between though.

Funny, we used to get a few Starlings visiting and even had a pair nest in the eves for many years.

See them in the garden only rarely now, half a dozen or so occasionally fly in.

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Oystercatcher :slight_smile:


On my walk this evening, nothing


Fabulous small birds previously watched one hunting dragonflies…. Stunning aerobatics.

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We have one at a wildlife lake near us, worried that he/she seems to be alone. Great at catching dragonflies. Not seen it playing table football though.

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A new hobby



Almost thought it was a painting at first👍

A couple of crimson rosellas


Pretty birds

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They’re gorgeous, there’s a few different varieties however these crimson ones are our favourites.

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Proper Kite flying!

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A lovely walk along the banks of the river Alde this morning just after sunrise


Beautiful .


This years Bird photographer of the year winners are out and as usual the photos are fantastic …… and depressing for us mere snappers !

For any interested link attached


As usual, I don’t always agree with the “pecking order”, but can agree that there are some fabulous photos there.

Agreed, I always prefer some of the “also ran’s” but unfortunately I’m not a judge!
Standard for the most part is incredibly high. That said I’m past years I’ve seen awarded photos supposedly by an 8 yr old who just happens to have say £20k of camera and lens!
Am I bitter? No just jealous!

A couple of Osprey shots. I do a butterfly survey in the local hills and am fortunate that there is an Osprey nest in my grid square. Could definitely do with a bigger lens though; 200mm needs a pretty big crop.

