Birding Time, Your local and international patch…


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I’m a birder (not a twitcher) and a photographer so kinda understand the temptation to get a ‘better’ picture.
It reminds me of an event I watched in Kruger N.P. (I’ve spent more time in East & Southern Africa photo’ng wildlife than I have in UK/Ire)
In the public area of Kruger you can self drive, but the rules on leaving your car are strictly NO-NO except at specified locations. I was alone watching a breeding herd of ele’s all quietly browsing on the bush. A car arrived to join the viewing, after about 10 minutes they seemed to get bored of the quiet heads in the bush browsing so started shouting (I assume trying to attract the ele’s) to get ‘better’ face on views.
That didn’t work so the driver got out and waved his arms around … and yes you’ve guessed it, it ended badly, a fiesty teenage bull took exception and came to sort it out … one very dented car later … I gave them my details for an insurance claim, but never heard anything.


Don’t worry, I pretty much agree with you. I tread very lightly wherever I go. But, the main path for visitors is very close to where there were, and as the 9am rush came through, everything scattered anyway.

But how about this for frustrating:

Sat down in Mere Hide at about 6.20am, sorted my stuff and brought my binoculars up to my eyes. Heard a ‘plop’ sound, took the bins away from my face, and there, ten feet away, a kingfisher with a fish in its beak, hovering, looking at me. Only for a fraction of a second, but what a moment. And my camera was on the windowledge!
Kingfisher didn’t return…

I’ll be back at Lakenheath Fen!

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The female feeds every day in the garden. Male rarely comes into the garden, but when it does, never feeds.


Brief, then gone

This elegant guy came very close to my sitting.
Very nice. But what it is?


That looks like it might be a Starling.


Good spot. I seems to be that.
Étourneau sansonnet.


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I was intrigued by the beautiful Mandarin duck posted some days ago. Apparently there are not much in France, but some in Paris ( jardins d’acclamation).


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More shots from Pulborough, Just got a Canon R7 body to get a bit more reach. Perfect for Pulborough where most things are distant.

Tree Creeper

Little Egret




Warning: Smug mode Alert.


Ah, but did you clap your hands to make him dive in?

Nice sequence. :+1:

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Fabulous stuff Jamie. :+1:

I’m not jealous…


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Just wonderful……long may it be for these birds

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Beautiful shots!


A few shots taken over the last fortnight.

With @Jamiewednesday and his fishing kimgfisher… I thought I would share some black-headed gulls snapping insects in flight - see if you spot the insect in the third image with the immature black-head.

Here is a shelduck

Sunset on the scrapes at minsmere (black-headed gulls of differing maturity and avocets)

A coot in the reeds looking for a snack…


You’re on fire.

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Thanks Pete, I have to be honest I get as much pleasure photographing local wild life as I do listening to my Naim :grinning:


Simon……a Bittern next please😉

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It was funny, I was out the other evening and I could hear two males booming, but I couldn’t see them at all…
This is the only bittern I have in my collection, and not a particularly great capture. He is also looking at snapping up flying insects :grinning: