Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024 - New Product Launch

The balanced XLR Version of the Super Lumina (See June 2023 Naim price list on Signals website) is the one you want for the New Classic’s/Statement. The SL for the Classics was always a 4Pin Din to XLR.

I’ll ask Naim directly at the show, 2 seperate dealers have highlighted a new variant of a SL XLR to XLR developed specifically for 200/300 Series to me during conversations.
TomTom Audio in St Alban’s had a loaner of one from Naim when I was there a few weeks back.
That’s as much as I’m aware of, if it’s all made up I’ll be sure and report back here accordingly :+1:t2::smile:

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Interesting that it would be different than the SL XLR-XLR they already make as the New Classics were designed to work with Balanced XLR’s :man_shrugging:

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In answer to the question if the Bristol show is worth going to the answer is a resounding ‘yes’!

The Bristol show is the best attended show in the UK with a huge range of kit to see and hear. I gather Naim will be running timed demos Friday and Sat with a more freeform programme on Sunday.

I’ve been attending for more than 20 years as an enthusiast and in recent years to report for various magazines including Hi-Fi News, Choice and latterly Soundstage Global. It’s a fantastic weekend - indeed it’s become a tradition for me to meet up with a couple of old school mates who are also into hi-fi and music. The only problem is they are there purely for the beer and the music while I have a job to do!

Absolutely awesome weekend though - wouldn’t miss it for the world. The thing is hi-fi and music as we get older often becomes a somewhat solitary affair, shows like this change all that and make it a shared experience again which is wonderful. There’s so much to see that you really need a couple of days to fully savour it!



Thanks Jonathan, that’s what I needed to know… I’m booked to go on Saturday, and looking forward to it! :sunglasses:


Agreed on the value of attending, if you’ve yet to go yourself it is well worth it.
If you have anything specific you were planning on buying it’s a good chance fo get some decent discounts on RRP.
I’ve bought numerous items over they years at the show we decent savings.
Popular brands and specific product demos tend to get busy inevitably so if something is important to hear and discuss then prioritise around that accordingly.


Brilliant! Thanks for the advice… sounds dangerous… :joy:

Cash is king if you’re in the mood for haggling, especially on things in the £10’s to £100’s in value, have fun, and don’t be scared to haggle hard!

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Good luck with getting a definitive answer, I’ve been trying for a few weeks without success :unamused:.

And I really can’t understand why there’d be some sort of ‘special’ NC XLR interconnect, but as reported above, at least two serious dealers suggest there is…….

ATB and enjoy the show,


I’m with you on this topic btw, and take the same perspective.
I’m going to ask Naim directly at Bristol and see if I can add any additional clarity to the topic.
I’m keen to try it out with a view to go in that direction if it suits my ears at least.
I’ll post any findings to this thread to keep it in one place.


I really wish I didn’t have to be so negative but I’d beg to differ. I have been attending trade shows, both as presenter, host and delegate for decades. The Bristol show today (Friday 23) was embarrassingly bad (I have not attended before). For many manufacturers, their presence appeared to be tokenism, with a single system set up in a bedroom that was woefully sized for the kit being demonstrated. As someone commented:

“It is easy to spot manufacturers who don’t know how to demonstrate their kit”

While I appreciate that individual spaces benefit the listener and the demonstrator, the show was a farce. I went with definite ideas on what I wanted to see and hear, but there was so little on show that it was wasted time. Even Naim / Focal with corner full of Uniti HEs with various Focal headphones only provided Naim radio to listen to (on the two boxes I tried).

An opportunity wasted.


Fair comments, I’m based in the Netherlands, bit I’ve also visited various shows here in the past and had mixed experiences …


Guessing there wasn’t a new product launch then?

Not at the demo at 11:45 today.

Won’t be able to go this year but can someone please try to nail down a credible answer from Naim about the mess with iRradio and what are they going to do about it!


B&W 800 Series in demo, sounded very sweet indeed.



Wow thst Nac 552 looks like it has blue lights. :scream:


Nova PE sounded pretty decent, but then so did the “old” Nova in the room opposite :grinning:

500 Series gets a white LED upgrade

Mystery solved on the SL XLR, it is the same as the Statement one, the only difference is the cable length according to Jason Gould, new one is longer!


All 500 Series have a white LED refresh, and there is no replacement in the short/mid term apparently.