Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024 - New Product Launch

Never mind new products, how about Naim sorting out V.TUNER, one of the worst Christmas days ever, Mind You with the CD market crying out for us people who actually like putting summat into a machine, who knows

Well youā€™ll certainly run out of runway in overseas markets with their own local hifi industry where domestic brands there donā€™t have to contend with massive distributor markup or the shipping costs of completed units, just the parts.

Youā€™d really have to be a dyed in the wool Naimite to think those units, when the new overseas prices are updated by distributors (which they will be), will realistically compete with domestic gear at similar price points. The dealer markup already means a Naim amp in the US is compaired to a US made product from a range up. I expect now they will be compaired to overseas made products two ranges higher.


Thank you Gazza.

I checked prices of Statement from 4 years ago just as a check. Wow. Big jumps in that time!!


There will be probably nothing new this year

Iā€™m optimistic for a new pre-inflated price t-shirt.
I have modest aspirations these days :wink:

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All I can afford is being a Statement Dreamer.


Naca 6? Superlumina SNAIC?

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Likewise, If I recall correctly the majority of existing Statement systems live outside the UK, China, Malaysia and surrounding countries in particular.
What with all these price changes and supply uncertainty of components, youā€™d imagine thatā€™s not exactly a growth/focus market.
Itā€™s a great marketing tool and theyā€™ve done a good job cascading features and design language down through the ranges, it does beg the question though if Statement remains what people buying in to the brand aspire to still.
It felt like it was a product those having invested decades in to reach 500 Systems made a post retirement leap to and then stopped worrying about what might be better.
10 years+ on from that, is that still the case, and are there enough aspirational music lovers globally willing to make such a substantial investment.
These days youā€™re more likely to read of owners love of their Nova than the imminent trade in of their much loved NAC 552 and NAP 500.


Itā€™s probably no surprise. Living standards are falling, certainly in the UK and for most people money is scarce.

If you want a New Classic system, they now start at Ā£12,400 for a 222/250. And if you want what many people still consider to be ā€˜properā€™ Naim with a dedicated pre/power, you are looking at Ā£14,700 for the most basic option of 332/250, and thatā€™s before adding a matching streamer for a further Ā£8,500. How many people have that sort of money to spend on luxuries?

Itā€™s really no wonder that people are happy with a Nova, either through necessity or choice.


That should read NAC 332 + NAP 250, the NSS 333 is the streamer.

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Good spot, thanks. Iā€™ve edited my post to avoid confusion.


Iā€™m happy enough with my Atom at least I know that much!
I agree with your thoughts here, whilst I love all this kit as much as the next music fan looking at the prices leaves me baffled as to how Iā€™d ever find myself in a position to justify spending that sort of money on a luxury item.
Thatā€™s not to diminish the perspective of those that can and do of course, this is purely my own view point but one would imagine Iā€™m not unique in that view point.

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Thatā€™s what he told me Paul

Well definitely a new streaming dac must be on the horizon as itā€™s the biggest seller these days, only problem is itā€™s the hardest one, and the competition is very tuff, especially when you need to start from scratch.
The good old burr brown chips are long gone, so a complete re design is needed.
Statement streamer/dac or whatever they decide to call it, does it matter really? But it will need to especially good if they decide to call it Statement, and being a new design they might want a few goes at it before they do that maybe. Also i feel the Statement gear isnā€™t really a Statement now, it probably was a decade plus ago, but things have certainly moved on since then, and i am sure naim could do a new Statement if they had the green light.


Linn appear to have positive gains from their in house efforts with Organik by example.
You imagine with the right smarts and some R&D cycles Naim could similarly craft something special.

You would hope so.
But as said itā€™s a tuff market these dayā€™s, and the price off a very good dac is much lower than it was.

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Certainly go upgradable as time goes on rather than the you have to sell to get the new upgrades, like many manufacturers do these days.

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Just do a quick Google search and you are able to find some pictures from the new Klimax Solo 800


ā‚¬90 000 per pair!

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I saw it as well :frowning: