Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024 - New Product Launch

Makes sense, Atom is probably the most commercially successful all in one product and now it’s time to make an upgrade path for those customers. Financially wise seems to be the right move and it’s perfect timing as well.

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Maybe they did but it was in German :grin:

i think you could be right mate

I can definitely see a uniti power amp being popular

My post from the More Power thread

It doesn’t look like the style of the New Classic series so I highly doubt it will be a 500 series product or even a SuperNait.

My guess from the image is that we are either seeing the recessed part (bottom left) or a reflection in a new full width acrylic base. The extension of the heat sinks certainly implies more power to an existing product as the caption tells us. All signs are it is a New Uniti product - Nuniti !


yep, a NAP based on the Nait 50 to match the HE

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Interesting times ahead of us, isn’t it?

What is meant by ‘Coming Soon’ … any thoughts?

Perhaps it’s a 100 series stereo power amp, where previously there was the nap100 (and 110 and 140 before that ….).
Surely there will be a 100 series?


Really don’t know. Let’s wait.

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A shoebox DAC with matching PSU surely? :grinning:

Naim Fraim Tardis Edition where a 21 shelf rack will appear as a 3 shelf rack at normal viewing distance……; :joy:


Is that the one with the “floating” magnetic rear leg?

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Gosh! You’ve seen it already!!! It’s supposed to be NDA’d until the show!

ATB, J :joy::joy:

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Linn Klimax Solo 800 … damn, it’s ugly!


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Is that actual product or “artists impression”

It’s an actual product … pictures are from elsewhere.


Yuck !!

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yowzers… That’s a pass from Mr.M :joy:

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